Join Us

Our lab is seeking highly motivated team members.

  1. Postdoctoral research fellow

    • The ideal candidate will have a Ph.D. degree in quantitative science such as computer science, bioinformatics, physics, statistics, or a related interdisciplinary field, be a highly motivated problem solver, have strong communication skills, and be fluent in programming languages. Experience with high-throughput sequencing data or bioinformatics tool development is a plus but not essential. The successful candidate will have unique research opportunities at the interface of quantitative science, experimental biology, and clinical science. Candidates with a biology background with quantitative training are also encouraged to apply. Find out more about the postdoctoral research fellow program at CCHMC.

  2. Bioinformatics analyst / Research assistant

    • The ideal candidate will have at least BS or MS degree in a related field and must have strong analytic & programming skills. He/She should be familiar with the terminal environment including basic Unix/Linux commands such as gawk/sed/bash script language. Experience in bioinformatics software development is a plus.

  3. Graduate student

    • Graduate students interested in regulatory genomics research are always welcome to the lab either for rotation or graduate research. Research in the lab will require quantitative & programming skills and a decent knowledge of molecular biology. Therefore, taking related courseworks is strongly recommended before or soon after joining the lab.

  4. Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)

    • Our lab is also open for SURF. Find out more about SURF in CCHMC.

How to apply:

Interested applicants should send:

  • CV with 2-3 reference contacts

  • Cover letter describing:

    • Research experience

    • Future career interest

to Dr. Lim via email (HeeWoong.Lim _at_