

趙浩然先生 Mr. Rex Chiu 



畢業於香港演藝學院,主修音樂劇。劇場主要演出有《邊城》(2002) 及《四川好人》(2003)其後以編舞、音樂劇演員及躂踢舞者身份投入本地不同劇場及娛樂團隊工作。

2004 年應日本 Jam Tap Dance Company 邀請為《Jimmy Slyde – We'll be together! 》作踢躂舞獨舞,演唱及與美國著名踢躂舞家Jimmy Slyde 同台演出。

​2005 年加入日本《劇団四季》,成為全職音樂劇演員,參演日本多個大型音樂劇巡迴演出包括《ミュージカル異国の丘》(異國之丘)及《夢から醒めた夢》(夢中醒來的夢)。

​2008 年到紐約CAP21音樂劇訓練學校深造回港後,連續 5 年為海洋公園十月全城哈囉喂作演出編導及節目總監工作, 2010 年憑演戲家族音樂劇《車你好冇》獲第二屆小劇場優秀男演員獎。​

2011 年成立藝術策展團隊「結界達人」,2012年開始獲香港藝術發展局資助創辦「 街舞樂翻天」藝術計劃。​

2015 年起以策展人身份投入音樂劇劇本,歌詞, 短片及音樂創作, 主要音樂劇作品包括《好時光》, 《Zu & Pi 如果你有頃刻風景》,《麻甩梟雄 Malade 18+ 》及 音樂劇《Electric Girl》。 ​趙氏除了為結界達人的藝術總監外,亦為香港舞蹈總會理事,香港街舞發展總會創辦人及委員,學校舞蹈節評審及自由身劇場工作者。

黃振棠先生 Mr. Michael Wong

Artistic Director of WAOH Dance company

2002年畢業於香港演藝學院獲得榮譽學士學位,主修現代舞。考獲澳洲舞蹈教師第十級爵士舞證書課程。現時為CCDC 舞蹈中心、Fitness Club、國際演藝評論家協會(香港分會)擔任導師。

1999年取得成龍慈善基金獎學金。2000至2002年夏季及2006及2007年遠赴英國的Pineapple Dance Studio修讀爵士舞、LA Jazz、Hip hop、Street Locking ,Greenwich Dance Agency及The Place的現代舞課程。2004年於韓國的 Dance Multiplex Auteur 學習Hip Hop Funk 及Jazz Funk。

黃氏曾多次參與校內外大小演出,曾代表香港演藝學院遠赴德國、奧地利、法國、比利時及星加坡等地參與中國藝術節以及其他舞蹈藝術節。其演出包括有【薪傳】、【歷奇】、【長髮幽靈】、【春之祭】、【Time In A Bottle】、【弦舞曲】、【儺】、【我要高飛】及2005-2007年CCDC舞蹈中心之學校巡迴演出。近期更為多個商業團體演出及擔任編舞包括 香港青年藝術節協會【Dancing High Lights】【紅】【Site Specific】,電訊盈科、國泰航空之【歌唱比賽】及 香港旋律之【創團音樂劇】。

梁美嘉女士 Ms. Eve Mei-Kar Leung

Founder of R&T(Rhythm & Tempo)

International Dance Organization (IDO) Adjudicator

Registered Arts Therapist (AThR) with ANZACATA

梁美嘉於1998年畢業藝術於香港演藝學院舞蹈學院主修音樂劇舞蹈。梁氏為R&T (Rhythm & Tempo) 踢躂舞團創辦人之一。畢業後曾參與美國以及加拿大兩地多個音樂劇團及舞蹈團之演出及製作。一直熱愛表演舞蹈教育社區藝術等工作。


現為R&T踢躂舞團、香港兒童合唱團之兼職舞蹈教師。梁氏於 2019年完成於香港大學之表達藝術治療碩士課程並成為註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師(ANZACATA)同年在香港大學更獲得羅吳翹英夫人紀念獎。


勞曉昕女士 Ms. Irene Lo

Associate Director of Training of Hong Kong Ballet

A former coryphée of Hong Kong Ballet who has performed numerous lead roles, Irene Lo has been working closely with HKB for over a decade. Currently, she is the Associate Director of Training for HKB’s Classical Ballet Training Programme and the part-time faculty member at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA). In 2022, she obtained her Master of Fine Arts in Dance with distinction at HKAPA with a full scholarship from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund.

During 2021-2023, Lo was a Rehearsal Mistress for the children who danced in HKB’s Peter Pan, Cinderella, ALICE (in wonderland) and The Nutcracker. In 2018, she was a project coordinator for Scottish Ballet’s Hansel & Gretel. As a certified yoga and aerial yoga instructor, Lo also teaches ballet and yoga at City Contemporary Dance Company and Hong Kong Dance Company. In the past decade, she has been a guest teacher in Cape Town, Johannesburg, Malaysia, Indonesia and Macau.

Her choreographic work includes the TV ad of a Cheung Kong/ Sun Hung Kai Property Grand Jeté, Hello Hong Kong with Hong Kong Tourism Board featuring celebrities Aaron Kwok, Kelly Chan and Sammi Cheng, True Light College’s 150th anniversary musical and Three As One Theatre’s drama No Name.

Lo’s accolades include ‘Most Promising Dancer’ from Friends of Hong Kong Ballet and ‘Outstanding Performance of the Year’ from Hong Kong Dance Alliance. Additionally, Lo was Chief Executive Manager of the Asian Grand Prix (AGP) in 2013-2015 and served as a jury member in the Manila, Malaysia, AGP, Canaan International Competitions and Dance World Cup.

吳雪梅女士 Ms Violet Ng

Vice-Chairperson of the Hong Kong Dance Federation

The International Dance Organization (IDO) Judge

Senior dance educator, Ms Violet Ng received professional training at Hong Kong Academy of Ballet and awarded scholarship from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund.

She holds Teaching Diploma of RAD, ISTD (England); CSTD, ACB (Australia).  Member of CID and Chinese Dancers Association Hong Kong Member Branch.  Founder of VCI Dance Company 1993 and Artistic Director of Asian Dance Association 2020.

She is now Vice Chairperson of the Hong Kong Dance Federation, an Examiner of the CSTD and the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, a judge of the International Dance Organization (IDO) international dance competition; a judge of the Hong Kong Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships, Schools Dance Festival and various Districts dance competitions. Ms Violet Ng has also been invited to serve as a judge in overseas dance competitions.