繪聚(一) 1st Drawing Gathering


final之後又臨近年尾,唔知大家有咩節目呢?而漫初就會為各位會員帶嚟第一次繪聚,大家除咗藉繪茶同接龍活動互相切磋之外✍🏻🔥仲可以認識下漫soc內志同道合嘅繪師們添!!😆鍾意畫畫嘅你不妨嚟報名參加啦✨( •̀ᴗ•́ 人)


日期📆:2023年12月27日 (三)

時間🕣:13:00 - 17:00

地點🏕️:PolyU (S212 文康podium樓梯對面閘機拍卡入)




報名表格📝 : Google form (只限本會會員參加)


1. 是次繪聚名額有限,未能成功報名嘅會員將不獲通知。

2. ⁠活動場地不准飲食。

3. 基於本次繪聚主題,參加者需要自備電腦、繪圖板或平板電腦等電子器材進行作畫。

4. ⁠歡迎額外自備文具手繪,活動期間會有畫簿提供作畫。

期待大家踴躍參與可以一齊畫畫 ♪( ´▽`)


【1st Drawing Gathering】Event ended

Wonder what plans everyone has as we finish finals and approach the end of the year? Well for CAS Hajime, we plan to bring you guys the first drawing gathering!! Other than sharing your work and doing some art jam pieces✍🏻🔥you can meet other artists in CAS who also share your artistic interests!😆 If you enjoy drawing, make sure to sign up now✨( •̀ᴗ•́ 人)

Event Details🔎

Date📆 : 27th December, 2023 (Wed)

Time🕣 : 13:00 - 17:00

Venue🏕️ : PolyU (S212 Communal Building, inside the gate on Podium)

Theme🎨 : Art Jamming & Sharing


Application time🔖 : Event ended

Application form📝 : Google form (only CAS members can join this event)

Things to note ⚠️

1. There are limited quotas for this gathering. Members who fail to register will not be notified.

2. ⁠Eating and drinking are not allowed at the event venue.

3. Based on the theme of this drawing gathering, participants need to bring their own electronic equipment such as computers, drawing tablets or tablets for drawing.

4. ⁠Participants are welcome to bring additional stationery for hand-drawing. There will be sketchbooks available for drawing during the event.

We are looking forward to drawing with everyone at the gathering ♪( ´▽`)

Once you have been successfully signed up, you will be notified through WhatsApp🙏🏻 Please be patient and feel free to dm us with any questions~ 


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