大家!! ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾

呢度係 香港理工大學學生事務處 第33屆動畫及漫畫學會 漫初🌸

每季都有好多新動畫、漫畫有新劇情、遊戲都有活動要肝_(´ཀ`」 ∠)_ ⋯⋯ 好想識新朋友一齊討論!

對ACG 有興趣嘅你,千祈唔好錯過我哋精彩嘅活動,嚟緊好快會有活動嘅最新消息,敬請留意( •ω•ฅ)💚

✨如果想知多啲漫初嘅資訊,記得撳follow 同睇實我哋story/post 嘅update✨

有咩問題都可以ig dm 我哋,會有熱心莊員們幫手解惑

期待未來見到你哋 ( ˙༥˙ )

Hello ereyone !! ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾

We’re PolyU SAO 33rd Cartoons Art Society Hajime 🌸

As ACG devotees, we’re all aware of the many new anime, twists of plots and limited events in games that would without doubt drain our soul away bits by bits _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_ . And for that, what you might want to have, are new friends who could satisfy your desire to share?

If you’re intrigued by the culture of ACG, please do make notice and be available for the series of events soon to arrive. Remember to stay tuned ( •ω•ฅ)💚

✨Should you wish to know more about Hajime as a society and the services that we provide, then why not bother following us and always keep an eye on our stories and posts where we will be putting forward updates✨

If you have any inquiries or questions regarding whatever issue, feel free to hit us up with a message, our committee members will be here to help, always 

We look forward to seeing you in the near future( ˙༥˙ ) 

想同你講個好消息!我哋漫初Hajime,即係香港理工大學學生事務處動畫及漫畫學會第三十三屆幹事會內閣正式上莊luuu 💚(**ฅ́˘ฅ̀**)💚

古語有云:「獨樂樂不如眾樂樂」。喺ACG 呢個大圈子,無論你鍾意邊類型嘅作品,漫初往後會舉辦唔同嘅活動,俾機會大家happy share

我哋好期待可以同你哋一齊享受ACG嘅樂趣୧꒰*´꒳`*꒱૭✧︎ 記得唔好錯過,𥄫實呢度嘅IG and FB page (website 都會有喔)✨


Hey! We’ve got good news for you. We, the cabinet of Hajime, are now officially the 33rd cabinet of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Student Affairs Office Cartoons Art Society 💚(**ฅ́˘ฅ̀**)💚

As the old saying would have it, “why party alone when you can party together”. Here in the big family of ACG, we welcome and cherish everyone, regardless of which type or genre of works you prefer. So come join us, enroll in our events, and be a part of the family where you can express your thoughts on ACG freely.

We look forward to meeting and serving all of you in the near future as we explore the vast ACG culture. Please remember to follow our instagram, Facebook page and keep an eye out for our website to stay tuned for future events. ✨

We Hajime wish you all a fantastic year during which we shall forge memories together.