Ryan (外務副會長 EVP)

終於係今屆第一個男性角色…嗎? (並沒有 這是一隻中性的安哥拉兔_(:3 」∠)_

にゃはろ 漫初所屬外務副會長 Ryan だにぇ

(kakao friendsのRyanじゃないよ(σ゚∀゚) σ

設定冊上寫著原本係水星的魔兔,但係於第八十七屆龜兔賽跑中過馬路嘅時候沒有停下來而被貨車撞死,然後保留前世記憶轉生成到地球。おやおや不知道484撞壞了個腦( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°),技能點同喜好都向奇怪嘅方向發展呢٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و(不要問你會怕的)。小兔十分喜歡芳文社而且最近更一直著迷於《孤獨搖滾》(:素晴らしい) ,並開始去自學結他呢(:世界欠芳文社一個諾貝爾和平獎)。冷知識兔子係雜食的 所以小兔除咗BL之外各方面都有研究喔,期待大家搵小兔傾計。

小兔會為大家去搵多啲sponsor 搵多啲會員福利的,有咩優惠希望要的話歡迎同小兔講ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ 

Yooo finally has the first male character in this year's CAS? No, it's a neutral rabbit.

Nyahalo, this rabbit is the External Vice President of Hajime and its name is called Ryan.

(Don’t mix up with the Ryan in Kakao friend unu

The setting of this rabbit is too complicated and all u need to know is this rabbit likes yuri anime very much. Recently this rabbit is addicted to Bocchi za Rock and start to learn guitar by itself. This rabbit wants the world to give a Nobel Peace Prize to Houbunsha more than your vote ( jk we still need your vote. I guess no one will read the English version so I put an Easter egg here and if u find this message u are very lucky that u will be blessed by megami aqua uwu.

As a EVP, this rabbit will help the society members to find sponsors. If you have any requests feel free to find it.


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