Joyce (常務秘書 Gen Sec)

Weeeeeee 大家好我係Joyce!身兼阿源嘅護花使者同Gen sec兩職嘅我之後會經常喺我哋多姿多彩嘅function度幫手,敬請期待~

動漫方面偏愛喜劇/節奏快/熱血/新穎嘅設定,心目中始終無法被超越嘅神作係暗殺教室,一啲突出群像嘅漫 e.g 排少我英都鍾意(〃'▽'〃) 最近就睇緊推しの子&Mashle,歡迎討論/推坑!

V方面有追開Niji EN,BL就偶而睇下原創日漫,不過最鍾意都係睇同人XD 非常雜食,通常最後都會變成all我推

遊戲方面鍾意解謎類手遊,例如醉愛嘅seec系列、Wasabi studio等,偶而都會借(搶)朋友嘅switch打機(明明唔擁有switch但點解咁熟悉操作XD)


Weeeeee hello everyone, I'm Joyce! As one of the protectors of Minamoto and our general secretary, I will frequently assist in our functions, so please stay tuned~

In terms of anime, I prefer comedic, fast-paced, hot-blooded ones which have novel settings. In my opinion, the masterpiece that can never be surpassed is Assassination Classroom, and I also like anime such as Haikyuu and My Hero Academia. Recently, I've been watching Oshi no Ko and Mashle, and I welcome discussions/recommendations!

As for Vtubers, I follow Niji EN, and I occasionally watch original BL anime, but I prefer reading doujinshi. I have a very eclectic taste, and usually end up liking all x my oshi XD.

In terms of games, I enjoy puzzle games, such as the SEEC series and Wasabi studio, and I occasionally borrow (steal) my friend's Switch to play games (weird that even though I don't own a Switch, I'm familiar with the controls XD).

I enjoy creating things, but I tend to brainstorm ideas 99% more than actually drawing or writing. I feel like I have too many ideas that come and go like shooting stars, so I will learn from people who have strong execution skills! orz


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