Ian (物資管理秘書 RMS)


我係漫初Hajime嘅RMS,負責采購同管理活動物資,同埋遲少少嘅茶聚活動!( つ•̀ω•́)つ

平時我追開D冷門番,通常係后宮向同妹控向,偶爾會追下美食同埋日常番,依排主要清緊《彈珠汽水瓶裏的千歲同學》同埋《繼母的拖油瓶是我的前女友》嘅輕小説,作品種類主要傾向輕小説改編動畫,仲有好多要追......(嗚嗚.......Professor我不想努力了……°(°ˊДˋ°) °)

小弟會係執行莊務期間會摸魚偷偷影巴士同游車河(不是巴膠、也不是鐵膠,已被莊内製成表情包);莊内外賣首選速遞員(綠色果間)、人肉GPS,係帶路專家來架(´-ω-`);孤獨的美食廢人 + 劣食家,令莊内的伙食有好大進步,當然開支也極大;酒品極差,常常因爲一罐Asahi就倒地不起;因爲本身具有顧問屬性,Idea 多到是idea 發電廠(但往往無情地被退回......)



YaHallo! I am Ian!

I am the Resource Management Secretary from Hajime. My job includes resource purchase, management and the upcoming comic meetings! ( つ•̀ω•́)つ

I tend to watch some unpopular anime, mostly harem or siscon type, sometimes food or daily related anime. Currently, I am reading the light novels “Chitose Is in the Ramune Bottle” and “My Stepmom’s Daughter is My Ex”, and there are more light novels to go…(Sniff sniff…Professor, I don’t want to study…°(°ˊДˋ°) °)

I will sometimes make a bus tour or film different bus models on the road during my work in Hajime (I am not a Bus Fan and Rail Fan! It’s already been a meme sticker in Hajime…). Within Hajime, I am the first priority food courier (especially the one with Deliver***) and the human tour guide + GPS (´-ω-`). I am also a lonely gourmet. This makes the meal in Hajime improved a lot, despite the cost of food also skyrocketing. I am not very drinkable. A can of Asahi can already make me tipsy. As a guy in charge of consultancy, I tend to give ideas or suggestions towards my partners (Well, mostly the advice is not adopted…)

Warning: RMS is heavily siscon-typed. He will promote lots of siscon speeches….

RMS: As long as I have got sister, there is no need for me to get married.ԅ(♡﹃♡ԅ)


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