Important dates

Extended Application Deadline
30 April 2021


  • Applicant must submit all relevant works on the three award categories with the following formats:

o Max. 2-page with 1,000 words executive summary

o Max. 20-page presentation PowerPoint slides


  • Applicant can submit any supporting documents (e.g. project report, website, video and physical product) if necessary

First Round Presentation
28 May 2021

Judging Panel will examine the submissions whether the project natures are matched with MIS discipline. The shortlisted applicants will be invited to deliver First Round Presentation on their works.

Final Presentation
10 July 2021

Judging Panel will examine the submissions whether the project natures are matched with MIS discipline. The shortlisted applicants will be invited to deliver 15-minute Final Presentation on their works in which the Gold, Silver, Bronze and Merit Awards will be determined.

Award Ceremony & Awardees Sharing Session
31 July 2021

The results of HKIE MIS Award 2021 will be announced in the Award Ceremony, all participants will be invited to join the Award Ceremony.

Award Ceremony :

Date: 31st July 2021 (Saturday)

Time: 9:30 - 12:30

Venue: Sophie Room, 9/F, HKIE, Island Beverley, Causeway Bay