Hyeonjun Sim

Senior Camera System Engineer at Qualcomm in San Diego

E-mail: flhy5836@gmail.com

[CV] [Google Scholar] [LinkedIn] [GitHub]

Research Interests 

Deep Learning, Low-level Computer Vision, Image/video Restoration: Image/video Super-resolution, Deblurring, Video Frame Interpolation, Raw Image (Bayer) Denoising, Video Bokeh, Video Depth Stabilization


Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. 

Senior Engineer, Camera System


San Diego, USA,

Sep. 2022 - Present


Ph.D., School of Electrical Engineering, KAIST 

M.S., Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, KAIST

B.S., Department of Mathematical Sciences, cum laude, KAIST

Chungbuk Science High School


Mar. 2018 - Aug. 2022

Mar. 2016 - Feb. 2018

Mar. 2011 - Feb. 2016

Mar. 2009 - Feb. 2011


Modernizing Old Photos Using Multiple References via Photorealistic Style Transfer

A. Gunawan, S. Y. Kim, H. Sim, J.-H. Lee, M. Kim 

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023

[ProjectPage] [Paper] [arXiv] [8min_video]

XVFI: eXtreme Video Frame Interpolation

H. Sim*, J. Oh*, M. Kim (* equal contribution)

IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021

(Oral presentation, 3% of submitted papers) 

[Paper] [arXiv] [GitHub] [Demo] [12min_video]

KOALAnet: Blind Super-Resolution using Kernel-Oriented Adaptive Local Adjustment

S.Y. Kim*, H. Sim*, M. Kim (* equal contribution)

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021

[Paper] [arXiv] [GitHub] [5min_video]

Breaking Moravec's Paradox: Visual-Based Distribution in Smart Fashion Retail

S.W. Sung, H. Baek, H. Sim, E.H. Kim, H. Hwangbo, Y.J. Jang

The fifth international workshop on fashion and KDD, 2020


A Deep Motion Deblurring Network based on Per-Pixel Adaptive Kernels with Residual Down-Up and Up-Down Modules

H. Sim, M. Kim

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2019.

3rd Place Award in NTIRE 2019 Challenge on Video Deblurring

[Paper] [GitHub]

NTIRE 2019 Challenge on Video Deblurring: Methods and Results

S. Nah, R. Timofte, [and 43 others, including H. Sim]

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2019.


High-Resolution Image Dehazing with respect to Training Losses and Receptive Field Sizes

H. Sim, S. Ki, J-S. Choi, S.Y. Kim, S. Seo, S. Kim, M. Kim

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2018.

4th Place Award (2nd Rank in Outdoor Track, 4th Rank in Indoor Track) in NTIRE 2018 Challenge on Image Dehazing


Fully End-to-End learning based Conditional Boundary Equilibrium GAN with Receptive Field Sizes Enlarged for Single Ultra-High Resolution Image Dehazing

S. Ki, H. Sim, J-S. Choi, S.Y. Kim, S. Seo, S. Kim, M. Kim

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2018.


NTIRE 2018 Challenge on Image Dehazing: Methods and results

C. Ancuti, C. O. Ancuti, R. Timofte, [and 62 others, including H. Sim]

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2018.


Honors and Awards

Reviewer Services