The Asian Grocery Haul: Everything You Will Want To Pick Up

Online Oriental Supermarkets are making shopping for Asian groceries easy for everyone, enriching the culinary lives of families in the United Kingdom from Caithness to Kent. There is so much variety of authentic fresh, frozen and preserved produce available you really can make your kitchen feel more like Tokyo than Tyneside, more like Seiheung than Sheffield. But with so much choice waiting for you at the click of a mouse, where on Earth do you start? Oriental Supermarkets

The first thing you should do is forget those celebrity chefs who insist that to make really authentic Asian meals you have to make every sauce and paste from scratch. Just as nobody in the UK routinely makes their own ketchup real Asian cooks get their curry pastes from a shop. Now they can shop at a real Asian Supermarket UK cooks have access to the same brands that home cooks would buy in Asia. There is just no reason to make your own when you can buy the ones real Asian cooks use in their home cooking.

You do need to be aware of the ingredients you need though. The right rice is very important, for example. It is not all that long ago here in the UK the choice of rice was limited to “short or long grain” - with a slight possibility of Basmati if you were somewhere posh. But as we explore the potential of Asian supermarkets UK cooks now need to understand that “rice matters” because most Asian dishes really do demand the right variety of rice if they are to be authentic. Fortunately whatever kind of rice you need, we have!

You need to exercise the same amount of diligence shop for noodles too. Rice is never “just rice” and in the same way noodles are never “just noodles”. Egg noodles are completely unlike rice noodles, which are not at all like Ramen noodles, which are in no way similar to Udon noodles, and so on. Each style of noodle brings a different texture or flavour to a dish. Getting the noodles right is the difference between deliciously authentic dish and a mis-matched mess – so take a little time to finalise your shopping list!

When you are doing that, give some thought to your other store cupboard staples. Rice wines, fish sauces, curry pastes, herbs and spices, soy sauces - if you are going to explore Asian cooking you will need them all. They all have good long shelf lives so stock up and make sure you always have them. That way when you feel like being spontaneous and make some sushi, or a Thai Green Curry, or a really good noodle soup you will have everything you need.

You might also want to have a look at the fresh and frozen vegetables, meats and fish we have in our Asian Supermarket. UK cooks can enjoy the same greens and meats that they feast upon in Seoul, Shanghai and Sầm Sơn, so long as they have access to a freezer. Our fast delivery service means that you can order frozen produce with confidence.

So visit our Asian supermarket and let us take you on a tour of the vastness of Asia. You have a whole new world of fabulous flavours, tantalising textures and appetising aromas just waiting for you to discover. A whole new world of compelling culinary experiences filled with food that is satisfying to eat, healthy and can be prepared quickly. This may seem like hyperbole, but spending some time exploring an Asian supermarket could change the way you think about food forever.