Greenvale brings Paua (abalone in the Maori language), a popular delicacy in many Asian cuisines. Our Paua comes from the wild and is specially hand-harvested, chemical-free and fully sustainable. It is 100% traceable and is as rare as gold. Tender with a meaty texture and an authentic freshness of seafood taste. It brings a good source of vital nutrients such as omega three and iodine phosphorous too!!Bon appétit!

Savour the best from the South Pacific Ocean!

来自南太平洋的味道!- 新西兰黑金鲍

Paua(毛利语中的鲍鱼)是许多亚洲文化中闻名的美食之一。Greenvale的鲍鱼是野生捕捞地,特别珍贵。它是由手工采摘,无化学成分添加,可持续和100%可追溯性的捕捞,与黄金一般珍贵。鲍鱼口感柔滑丰富,有着独特的海鲜风味. 鲍鱼也是许多重要营养素的良好来源,如 Omega3, 碘和磷。真是好食味!

Easy to prepare

Abalone salad

Make your own abalone salad and sauces you desire:
1. Slice the abalone into thin pieces
2. Place any green salad you like
3. Mix your own secret source (sprinkle of Olive, Sesame, Oyster sauce, yuzu vinegar and soy source)

For more recepei and pre-orders contact us