Sometimes you want to connect your favorite database query or visualization tool to Hive. I've found that this can be quite cumbersome, typically requiring you to copy jars from the Hadoop cluster to some place locally that can be read by your tool. The goal of this simple maven project is to easily pull the required jars into a single place locally and create an "uber" or "standalone" jar that can be referenced by any JDBC compliant tool.

But we already have the client jar? hive-jdbc-xxx-standalone.jar. I know for some reason they forgot to include two other jars in there but if you copy all three it should work. ( missing is hadoop-commons and commons-logging. )

Hive Jdbc Uber Jar Download

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Thats right. There is a *standalone.jar that ships with hive that should do this but, as you correctly pointed out, does not. This repo works around that problem until it can be properly resolved. In my testing I could not get any of my favorite JDBC clients to work when using the original standalone jar by itself as I was hoping I could. I wanted an easy way to bundle all dependencies into a single jar. I've also made some effort to cleanup the logging dependencies by relying solely on SLF4J and its bindings.

yeah it always worked for me after adding the three jars I mentioned. ( commons-logging, hadoop-common and hive-jdbc ) still annoying thjat you need the other two but not too onerous. Nevertheless your project is cool.

The Auto-Install button on the RazorSQL Add Connection Profile screen downloads and installs the Apache Hive JDBC Driver.To connect to Hive via this driver using the Auto-Install option, select the Connections -> Add Connection Profile menu option. Then, select Hive as thedatabase type. On the next screen, there are several Connection Type options. The first option has an "Auto Download"capability to download and install a Hive JDBC driver. The driver file that RazorSQL downloads is called the "Hive JDBC Uber Jar" and includesall the dependencies necessary for connecting to Hive. The driver is available via the following website for manualdownload. Older versions of the jar are available if the latest version of the jar is not compatible with yourHive version: 


When connecting to Hive via the Apache Hive JDBC driver, the following information is needed. Listed below are the values to use when using the Apache Hive JDBC driver. The connections use the HiveServer2 interface. HiveServer2 needs to be running on the Hive server to allow clients like JDBC and ODBC clients to be able to execute queries against the Hive database.

Driver Class: org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver

JDBC URL Format: jdbc:hive2://:/

Sample JDBC URL: jdbc:hive2://

The files will be uploaded to default /vrep/vflow/subengines/com/sap/python36/operators/ubp/com/sap/python36/hive/ location on the docker image. You can move them to any location using the python script in the Operator.

Ein Beispiel der Verwendung eines Java-Clients zur Hive-Abfrage in HDInsight finden Sie unter -Samples/hdinsight-java-hive-jdbc. Befolgen Sie die Anleitung im Repository, um das Beispiel zu erstellen und auszufhren.

We recommend using the latest version of the JDBC driver. A list of allavailable versions can be found in the Maven Central Repository. Navigate to thedirectory for the desired version, and select the trino-jdbc-xxx.jar fileto download, where xxx is the version number.

Prefix to append to any specified ApplicationName client info property,which is used to set the source name for the Trino query if the sourceparameter has not been set. If neither this property nor ApplicationNameor source are set, the source name for the query is trino-jdbc.

The set commands used to change Hive configuration are restricted to a smaller safe set. This is controlled using the configuration parameter. If this set needs to be customized, the HiveServer2 administrator can set a value for this configuration parameter in its hive-site.xml.

User and role names may optionally be surrounded by backtick characters (`) when the configuration parameter is set to column (default value). All Unicode characters are permitted in the quoted identifiers, with double backticks (``) representing a backtick character. However when is set to none, only alphanumeric and underscore characters are permitted in user names and role names.

Add to (It takes a comma separated list, so you can add it along with StorageBasedAuthorization parameter, if you want to enable that as well).

This setting disallows any of the authorization api calls to be invoked in a remote metastore. HiveServer2 can be configured to use embedded metastore, and that will allow it to invoke metastore authorization api. Hive cli and any other remote metastore users would be denied authorization when they try to make authorization api calls. This restricts the authorization api to privileged HiveServer2 process. You should also ensure that the metastore rdbms access is restricted to the metastore server and hiverserver2. to This will ensure that any table or views created by hive-cli have default privileges granted for the owner.

HiveIncrementalPuller allows incrementally extracting changes from large fact/dimension tables via HiveQL, combining the benefits of Hive (reliably process complex SQL queries) andincremental primitives (speed up querying tables incrementally instead of scanning fully). The tool uses Hive JDBC to run the hive query and saves its results in a temp table.that can later be upserted. Upsert utility (HoodieStreamer) has all the state it needs from the directory structure to know what should be the commit time on the target table.e.g: /app/incremental-hql/intermediate/{source_table_name}_temp/{last_commit_included}.The Delta Hive table registered will be of the form {tmpdb}.{source_table}_{last_commit_included}.

For Table / SQL users, the new module flink-table-planner-loader replaces flink-table-planner_2.12and avoids the need for a Scala suffix. For backwards compatibility, users can stillswap it with flink-table-planner_2.12 located in opt/.flink-table-uber has been split into flink-table-api-java-uber,flink-table-planner(-loader), and flink-table-runtime. Scala users need to explicitly add a dependencyto flink-table-api-scala or flink-table-api-scala-bridge.

The new module flink-table-planner-loader replaces flink-table-planner_2.12 and avoids the need for a Scala suffix.It is included in the Flink distribution under lib/. For backwards compatibility, users can still swap it withflink-table-planner_2.12 located in opt/. As a consequence, flink-table-uber has been split into flink-table-api-java-uber,flink-table-planner(-loader), and flink-table-runtime. flink-sql-client has no Scala suffix anymore.

Looker wurde mit Hive auf Tez (hive.execution.engine=tez) getestet, es ist jedoch auch mglich, Looker mit Hive auf Spark auszufhren. Spark-Untersttzung wurde in der Hive-Version 1.1 hinzugefgt. (Looker untersttzt Hive 1.2.1 und hher.) ff782bc1db

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