Samplers perform the actual work of JMeter. Each sampler (except Flow Control Action) generates one or more sample results. The sample results have various attributes (success/fail, elapsed time, data size etc.) and can be viewed in the various listeners.

This sampler lets you send an HTTP/HTTPS request to a web server. It also lets you control whether or not JMeter parses HTML files for images and other embedded resources and sends HTTP requests to retrieve them. The following types of embedded resource are retrieved:

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If you are going to send multiple requests to the same web server, consider using an HTTP Request Defaults Configuration Element so you do not have to enter the same information for each HTTP Request.

Or, instead of manually adding HTTP Requests, you may want to use JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder to create them. This can save you time if you have a lot of HTTP requests or requests with many parameters.

If the request requires server or proxy login authorization (i.e. where a browser would create a pop-up dialog box), you will also have to add an HTTP Authorization Manager Configuration Element. For normal logins (i.e. where the user enters login information in a form), you will need to work out what the form submit button does, and create an HTTP request with the appropriate method (usually POST) and the appropriate parameters from the form definition. If the page uses HTTP, you can use the JMeter Proxy to capture the login sequence.

If the request uses cookies, then you will also need an HTTP Cookie Manager. You can add either of these elements to the Thread Group or the HTTP Request. If you have more than one HTTP Request that needs authorizations or cookies, then add the elements to the Thread Group. That way, all HTTP Request controllers will share the same Authorization Manager and Cookie Manager elements.

Additionally, you can specify whether each parameter should be URL encoded. If you are not sure what this means, it is probably best to select it. If your values contain characters such as the following then encoding is usually required.:

If it is a POST or PUT or PATCH request and there is a single file whose 'Parameter name' attribute (below) is omitted, then the file is sent as the entire body of the request, i.e. no wrappers are added. This allows arbitrary bodies to be sent. This functionality is present for POST requests, and also for PUT requests. See below for some further information on parameter handling.

Parameter Handling: 

 For the POST and PUT method, if there is no file to send, and the name(s) of the parameter(s) are omitted,then the body is created by concatenating all the value(s) of the parameters.Note that the values are concatenated without adding any end-of-line characters.These can be added by using the __char() function in the value fields.This allows arbitrary bodies to be sent.The values are encoded if the encoding flag is set.See also the MIME Type above how you can control the content-type request header that is sent. 

 For other methods, if the name of the parameter is missing,then the parameter is ignored. This allows the use of optional parameters defined by variables.

In Body Data mode, each line will be sent with CRLF appended, apart from the last line.To send a CRLF after the last line of data, just ensure that there is an empty line following it.(This cannot be seen, except by noting whether the cursor can be placed on the subsequent line.)

Method Handling: 

 The GET, DELETE, POST, PUT and PATCH request methods work similarly, except that as of 3.1, only POST method supports multipart requestsor file upload.The PUT and PATCH method body must be provided as one of the following:

The GET, DELETE and POST methods have an additional way of passing parameters by using the Parameters tab.GET, DELETE, PUT and PATCH require a Content-Type.If not using a file, attach a Header Manager to the sampler and define the Content-Type there.

JMeter scan responses from embedded resources. It uses the property HTTPResponse.parsers, which is a list of parser ids, e.g. htmlParser, cssParser and wmlParser. For each id found, JMeter checks two further properties:

HttpClient4 and Java Sampler support emulation of slow connections; see the following entries in # Define characters per second > 0 to emulate slow connections#httpclient.socket.http.cps=0#httpclient.socket.https.cps=0 However the Java sampler only supports slow HTTPS connections.

Response size calculation 

 The Java implementation does not include transport overhead such aschunk headers in the response body size. 

 The HttpClient4 implementation does include the overhead in the response body size,so the value may be greater than the number of bytes in the response content.

Retry handling 

 By default retry has been set to 0 for both HttpClient4 and Java implementations, meaning no retry is attempted. 

 For HttpClient4, the retry count can be overridden by setting the relevant JMeter property, for example: httpclient4.retrycount=3 With HC4 Implementation, retry will be done on Idempotent Http Methods by default.If you want to retry for all methods, then set property httpclient4.request_sent_retry_enabled=true Note that the Java implementation does not retry neither by default, you can change this by setting

Note: Certificates does not conform to algorithm constraints 

 You may encounter the following error: Certificates does not conform to algorithm constraints if you run a HTTPS request on a web site with a SSL certificate (itself or one of SSL certificates in its chain of trust) with a signature algorithm using MD2 (like md2WithRSAEncryption) or with a SSL certificate with a size lower than 1024 bits.

To allow you to perform your HTTPS request, you can downgrade the security of your Java installation by editingthe Java jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms property. Remove the MD2 value or the constraint on size, depending on your case.

If the Variable Names list is provided, then for each row returned by a Select statement, the variables are set upwith the value of the corresponding column (if a variable name is provided), and the count of rows is also set up.For example, if the Select statement returns 2 rows of 3 columns, and the variable list is A,,C,then the following variables will be set up:

This sampler lets you control a java class that implements interface.By writing your own implementation of this interface,you can use JMeter to harness multiple threads, input parameter control, anddata collection.

The pull-down menu provides the list of all such implementations found byJMeter in its classpath. The parameters can then be specified in thetable below - as defined by your implementation. Two simple examples (JavaTest and SleepTest) are provided.

The JavaTest example sampler can be useful for checking test plans, because it allows one to setvalues in almost all the fields. These can then be used by Assertions, etc.The fields allow variables to be used, so the values of these can readily be seen.

If you are going to send multiple requests to the same LDAP server, consider using an LDAP Request Defaults Configuration Element so you do not have to enter the same information for each LDAP Request.

This will add the entry in the LDAP Server. User has to enter all the attributes in the table.The entries are collected from the table to add. The execution time is calculated. The created entry will not be deleted after the test.

This will create a pre-defined entry first, then will modify the created entry in the LDAP Server.And calculate the execution time. After execution of the test, the created entry will be deleted from the LDAP Server.

This will modify the entry in the LDAP Server. User has to enter all the attributes in the table. The entries are collected from the table to modify. The execution time is calculated. The entry will not be deleted from the LDAP Server.

This will create the entry first, then will search if the attributes are available. It calculates the execution time of the search query. At the end of the execution,created entry will be deleted from the LDAP Server.

If you are going to send multiple requests to the same LDAP server, consider using an LDAP Extended Request Defaults Configuration Element so you do not have to enter the same information for each LDAP Request.

Any LDAP request is part of an LDAP session, so the first thing that should be done is starting a session to the LDAP server. For starting this session a thread bind is used, which is equal to the LDAP "bind" operation. The user is requested to give a username (Distinguished name) and password, which will be used to initiate a session. When no password, or the wrong password is specified, an anonymous session is started. Take care, omitting the password will not fail this test, a wrong password will. (N.B. this is stored unencrypted in the test plan)

This is a combination of the LDAP "bind" and "unbind" operations. It can be used for an authentication request/password check for any user. It will open a new session, just to check the validity of the user/password combination, and end the session again.

This is the LDAP "compare" operation. It can be used to compare the value of a given attribute with some already known value. In reality this is mostly used to check whether a given person is a member of some group. In such a case you can compare the DN of the user as a given value, with the values in the attribute "member" of an object of the type groupOfNames. If the compare operation fails, this test fails with errorcode 49.

Tomcat uses the common format for access logs. This means any webserver that uses thecommon log format can use the AccessLogSampler. Server that use common log format include:Tomcat, Resin, Weblogic, and SunOne. Common log format lookslike this: 152ee80cbc

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