History,Hexes and Heroes

What is Historical Miniature Wargaming?

I recently had a friend ask me this. The friend has played a lot of Euro Games and other boardgames, says he loves the "look" of a miniatures game, enjoys history, but cannot quite get his mind around what the "game" entails.

Here is my brief summary:

  • Players command historically based forces made up of scale models & figures that have attributes including firepower, defense, morale, movement speeds, and leadership to reflect their real counterparts' skill sets

  • Terrain is similar to a model railroad layout with groundcover, trees, walls, buildings, and other elements that would have existed on the historical battlefield

  • Players have a mission or goal they are trying to accomplish to win the scenario or game

  • Typically dice are used in conjunction with tables in order to determine the outcome of fire, morale checks, and other skills tests

  • The historical outcome of a battle may differ from the outcome of the game

  • Players need not be experts in military tactics. The rules and game mechanics should help players understand how to get the most out of their troops without having a background knowledge of the period


This site details playing existing historical miniatures wargames, boardgames, and chronicling new painting and modelling projects for Hayes Wauford in Winston-Salem, NC.

I have been playing historical miniature wargames since 1994. I have collections for World War II, mostly for Advanced Squad Leader in miniature, as well as 40mm ACW and 28mm Dark Age with other smaller collections thrown in.

I have been playing ASL as a boardgame since 2012. I also play other MMP/Gamers products.

Gaming has been a large part of my life and I am thankful for the wonderful connections I have made through the hobby!