History TV18 (formerly known as The History Channel) is a television channel in India. It broadcasts infotainment[1] and documentary shows. It is owned by a joint venture between A+E Networks, owner of the American History channel, and TV18, an Indian media group owned by Mukesh Ambani.[2] It is available in four languages in full HD across the Indian subcontinent.

History Channel expects me to have some sort of cable/satellite viewing plan in order to watch Episodes 4 and 5 of Season 5. I'm okay with seeing commercials when viewing online episodes; that's how they cover the cost of free online viewing. I get it. Locking newer episodes behind a cable/satellite network login requirement is just foolish. My wife and I cut cable years ago, using NetFlix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime as our primary means of watching the shows we want, when we want; History made all of Season 4 (A and B) available online the day after with commercial breaks. It's a great way to monetize viewing for people like me who don't have cable/satellite and/or prefer not having to tune in to watch a show at a certain time, which brings me to my main point:

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Remember when the History Channel actually used to be about HISTORY? We can't quite put our finger on when it happened... Maybe it was around the Ancient Aliens era... But at a certain point, the History Channel completely switched directions... The focus stopped being about education and history, and instead there was an almost frantic rush to entertain the masses. We started to see a huge number of shows that seemingly had nothing to do with history. And when the shows DID touch on historical matters, they often strayed into the territory of pseudo-science and bizarre conspiracy theories. Generally, the reputation of History Channel started to take a blow.

To understand our point, you only need look at some of the lowest-rated shows on this network. Almost everyone agrees that they were mediocre at best... Completely unwatchable at the very worst. We're talking about gems like Swamp People, Search For The Lost Giants, Big Shrimpin', and many others. Sure, these shows are entertaining. And if you love them, who are we to argue? But at the end of the day, the critics have spoken. These are the lowest-rated shows in the history of the History Channel, and to be honest, they probably deserve their low IMDB scores...

Ice Road Truckers is actually quite popular. Some would even consider it to be one of History Channel's best shows... But the ratings don't lie... Critics aren't exactly fond of this program. The average TV watcher isn't a huge fan either. Some people have described this show in less than ideal terms, stating that "it's about as exciting as watching someone drive to the supermarket." And that's what Ice Road Truckers is all about.

The History Channel is definitely no stranger to reality shows these days. But for whatever reason, their reality shows just keep getting stranger and stranger. Case and point: Swamp People. Yes, this is exactly what it sounds like - a show about people who live in swamps. The show focuses on a few families and follows their activities, which frequently involve roping and shooting alligators.

Treasures Decoded was a show that obviously took inspiration from the success of Ancient Aliens. Although the shows are slightly different, they appeal to the same audience - those that want to explore different possibilities of humanity's history and origins. Airing in 2012, Treasures Decoded took full advantage of the "Nibiru," "Annunaki" and Mayan Doomsday obsessions that were rampant at that time.

Brothers In Arms is a relatively new addition to History Channel's lineup, and it focuses on military history from the perspective of two military experts. The show follows Rocco and Eli as they try to start up their own store for military enthusiasts. Even though it just started in 2018, it's already getting some pretty negative feedback - at least on IMBD.

Or does it? Search For Lost Giants is definitely one of the lowest rated shows on the History Channel - at least according to IMDB. The disappointment stemming from user reviews was always inevitable. After all, these guys were clearly never going to find real giant bones. If they had, it would have been all over the news.

Now we're getting into the territory of five out of ten ratings, and these shows definitely show a notable dip in quality. We're The Fugawis left a lot of people confused. What was this show intended to be? The premise is simple - it's a reality show focused on a completely obscure motorcycle club. And the show definitely tried to be comedic in nature.

Ax Men is actually one of the more high profile shows on History Channel. It still has nothing to do with history, but a lot of people tuned in, and a lot of people have their own opinions about this show. Some people love it - but judging by the IMDB rating of 5.5, it's safe to say that these people are in the minority.

The mystery of the Knights Templar? The search for missing treasure? Pirates?! Sign us up. At least, that's what the majority of History Channel fans thought before they saw this thing. According to its IMDB rating, this show was a bit of flop when all was said and done. With a score of just 5.2, it's one of the lowest-rated shows in the network's history.

So why the negative reception? According to most of the user reviews, this one was absolutely filled with fake history and pseudo science. In many cases, they didn't even run tests on the artifacts they had found. According to critics, they failed to run these tests because they wanted to "invent" their own version of history.

Nothing like a bit of fire and brimstone to stir up the masses. People have been obsessed with doomsday prophecies for thousands of years, and it seems like History Channel is pushing this trend hard. Or at least they tried with shows like Revelation: The End Of Days. It's described as a "combination" of a documentary and a fictional account of biblical rapture. With a rating of 5.1, audiences weren't exactly thrilled. So what did they have to say about this show? Many people compared this show to series like Ancient Aliens and other famously inaccurate shows from History Channel. But at the end of the day, most critics just thought it was a bad mini-series.

Zahi Hawass is a massive name in the world of Egyptology, and somewhere along the line History Channel decided to give him his own show. Was this a good idea? Maybe. But the fact remains - Chasing Mummies is one of History Channel's lowest rated shows of all time, with a score of just 4.6. Once again, it seems like the History Channel focused on creating a fun reality show rather than educating people about history.

The show offers a few other awful gems. Our narrator goes on at length about how carbon-14 dating is unreliable for telling the age of dinosaurs, but paleontologists do not use carbon-14 to estimate the age of non-avian dinosaurs. Radiocarbon dating only works for carbon-bearing materials up to about 60,000 years old. Instead, paleontologists use different radiometric dating techniques to constrain the history of non-avian dinosaurs. In uranium-lead dating, for example, geologists investigate the relative abundance of uranium and lead, the element uranium decays into, to determine the age of the rock the materials were sampled from.

For those who are interested in finding out more about the history of mankind, our planet, animals, and so much more, the History Channel is the place to go. They offer a lot of really interesting TV shows and movies to watch that are super informative, educational, and enlightening. Somehow, History Channel finds a way to create shows that are both smart and enjoyable at the same time.

Some shows and movies that are based on historical information can be really slow and boring, but the History Channel does their best to make sure that the entertainment they put out is always enticing and captivating. For the most part, History Channel does a great job at succeeding with this task! Unfortunately, there are also a handful of shows that can disappoint viewers due to the fact that the information might not be as truthful and honest as it should be! Continue reading to find out which shows on the History Channel are best and which ones should be skipped.

Ancient Aliens is one of the worst shows to watch on the History Channel because the whole time, viewers are waiting to see if any answers will be revealed and oftentimes, no answers are actually revealed. The show is filled with a lot of theories but not a lot of facts or proof.

Treasures Decoded has landed on this list as being one of the worst shows on the History Channel. Unfortunately, this show does not do much to capture the audiences' attention or intrigue viewers to continue watching. The first episode aired in 2012 and viewers had higher expectations for it.

Counting Cars is one of the best shows on the History Channel because it is a show based in the beautiful city of Las Vegas, Nevada. It is about a man named Rick Harrison and his crew who do everything they can to restore vehicles and sell them at a higher value! It is super interesting to watch.

Do read the whole post, as it's a nice one-stop shop for debunking the "ancient astronaut" nonsense that's been peddled around for as long as I can remember. And I'm in agreement that ideally, the History Channel shouldn't run stuff like this and instead devote itself to more stuff about, say, history. At least, the parts of history that don't involve alien visitors.

That said, I'm a little more sympathetic to the History Channel. The fact of the matter is, this is the kind of program that sells. People watch it (this is the second season) and so it makes money. Likewise, I'm sure the History Channel has taking to peddling its reality series for the same reason: they make more money than documentaries about history. It's not just the history channel, either. One of the SyFy Channels biggest hits is the laughable show Ghost Hunters. A&E has a number of quality shows, but they also have a big hit in the reality show Parking Wars (a show that apparently has lots of viewers, though I've never met one in real life). 17dc91bb1f

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