Description: The award recognizes the most influential paper published in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) in the five-years-window ranging from 22 to 18 years ago. ICRA has had major contributions in the technical field of robotics and automation from an early stage. Unlike the other RAS best paper awards that attempt to predict the future potential impact of a paper, this award looks back at the actual impact a paper has had. 

Established: 2021

Prize: A laminated certificate for all individual authors, plus one ICRA Registration and up to $1000.00 in travel reimbursement in total to be invited to ICRA to receive the award. In the exceptional case that two papers are deemed worthy, the authors of each paper will receive laminated certificates, and one author from each paper will be eligible for ICRA Registration and travel reimbursement up to $1000.00. Travel reimbursement will follow IEEE Policies and Procedures.

Funding: Sponsored by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. 

Eligibility: All papers published in the ICRA Proceedings in the five-years-window ranging from 22 to 18 years ago on IEEE Xplore are eligible. There are no restrictions as to IEEE membership, organization, nationality, race, creed, sex, or age. Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations. Previous award winners are not eligible. 

Basis for Judging: Papers are judged based on strong impact within or outside of the Field, such as: Has been highly cited, Pioneered a research area, Led to important applications.

Presentation: The winner will be announced and presented at the annual IEEE ICRA conference.

Accepted papers will be presented either in single-track oral sessions or in interactive sessions. All accepted papers will appear in the proceedings of the conference and on IEEE Xplore without distinction.

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The 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems is a large and impactful forum for the international robotics research community to explore the frontier of science and technology in intelligent robots and smart machines, emphasizing future directions and the latest approaches, designs, and outcomes.

The utilization of sensors enables robots to evaluate the environment and know their status. However, the adoption of sensors in robotic systems also raised many problems: how to design smart sensors and sensing systems for robotics towards different tasks; how to efficiently fuse multi-modal signals from various sensors with sensing mechanisms and precisions; how to enable robots to leverage ubiquitous sensors in their working environment to coordinately make intelligent decisions; and how to exploit unique advantage from emerging techniques such as soft robots, smart materials. Thereby, we endeavor to bring together researchers from academia and industry to introduce the latest advances in robot sensors, related signal processing algorithms, and human-robot interaction applications to the signal processing and robotics community. This special issue focus on signal processing problems that are ahead of robotics applications. An outline of topics on which we plan to solicit submissions is listed but not limited to as follows:

IoR involves a variety of frontier research, including networking, robotics, artificial intelligence, human-computer interactions (HCIs), etc. There is a lot to look forward to when bringing IoR to life. A major challenge is the capability of internet infrastructure. Conventional TCP/IP congestion and flow control algorithms, for instance, would struggle to guarantee robotic applications. In surgery robotic arms, even a 1-millisecond delay in haptic feedback could be fatal. The second challenge arise when humans interact with robots over the Internet. How do humans perceive the situation when communicating with robots over unreliable networks? What is the security, privacy, trustworthiness, and ethical concerns?

Gao's work represents a considerable advancement in robotics. It allows robots to perceive and interpret their environment similarly to humans. This technique involves creating a 'map' or 'graph' that aids robots in identifying and recalling locations despite variations in their observations. For example, it empowers ground-level and aerial robots to recognize that they are observing the same location despite their distinct perspectives.

Established in 1988 and held yearly, IROS offers an international stage for the robotics research community to delve into the cutting-edge of science and technology in intelligent robots and smart machines. It emphasizes forward-looking directions, innovative approaches, designs and outcomes in the field.

The research projects were supported in part by the Maryland Robotics Center Postdoctoral Fellowship, Army Research Lab-UMD Cooperate Agreement, Army Research Office DURIP Grant, Dr. Barry Mersky E-Novate Professorship, Capital One E-Novate Professorship and Paul Chrisman Iribe E-Nnovate Professorship.

Besides being the largest robotics conference to date, we had 96 exhibitors, 56 workshops, and 6 forums that explored the many ways in which robotics and automation are changing the future of work. ICRA showcased cutting edge research, featured in 1498 published papers, 3 plenary lectures and 9 keynote presentations. The papers included 13 award-winning papers for automation, coordination, dynamics and control, interaction, learning, locomotion, manipulation, mechanism design, navigation, and planning.

The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (IEEE RAS) is a professional society of the IEEE that supports the development and the exchange of scientific knowledge in the fields of robotics and automation, including applied and theoretical issues.[1][2][3]

The Society states in its constitution that it "is interested in both applied and theoretical issues in robotics and automation. Robotics is here defined to include intelligent machines and systems used, for example, in space exploration, human services, or manufacturing; whereas automation includes the use of automated methods in various applications, for example, factory, office, home, or transportation systems to improve performance and productivity."

Papers must be formatted in the standard IEEE two-column format that is used by the INFOCOM 2024 main conference and must not exceed 6 pages in length (including references). All submitted papers will go through a peer review process, and all accepted papers which are presented by one of the authors at the workshop will be published in the IEEE INFOCOM 2024 proceedings and IEEE Xplore.

On behalf of the organizing committee, we cordially welcome you to IROS 2022 and let us meet in Kyoto to explore a historical, cultural, and innovative city while we share and celebrate the latest developments in the robotics community.

Peng Gao, formerly a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Maryland and now at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, received a Best Paper Award in the Agri-Robotics category at the 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), held in Detroit, Michigan, from October 1 to 5, 2023. His paper, titled "Visual, Spatial, Geometric-Preserved Place Recognition for Cross-View and Cross-Modal Collaborative Perception," stood out among 1,700 accepted papers, highlighting its innovative advancements in robotics.

Established in 1988 and held yearly, IROS offers an international stage for the robotics research community to delve into the cutting-edge of science and technology in intelligent robots and smart machines. It emphasizes forward-looking directions, innovative approaches, designs and outcomes in the field.

The Robotics: Science and Systems has a long history of bringing togetherresearchers in all areas of robotics from around the world for an engaging andfocused week of single-track presentations, workshops, poster sessions, andtutorials. This year, as always, we solicit your best work.

It is the job of technologists to dispel myths about robotics, and to raise awareness and in so doing robot literacy, the reachable limits of artificial intelligence imbued into robots, and the positive benefits that can be gained by future developments in the field. This special will focus on the hopes of robot application in non-traditional areas and the plausible intended and unintended consequences of such a trajectory.

Engineers in sensor development, artificial consciousness, components assemblage, visual and aesthetic artistry are encouraged to engage with colleagues from across disciplines- philosophers, sociologists and anthropologists, humanities scholars, experts in English and creative writing, journalists and communications specialists- to engage in this call. Multidisciplinary teams of researchers are requested to submit papers addressing pressing socio-ethical issues in order to provide inputs on how to build more robust robotics that will address citizen issues. For example:

This issue calls for technical strategic-level and high-level design papers that have a social science feel to them, and are written for a general audience. The issue encourages researchers to ponder on the socio-ethical implications stemming from their developments, and how they might be discussed in the general public.

Converging approaches adopted by engineers, computer scientists and software developers have brought together niche skillsets in robotics for the purposes of a complete product, prototype or application. Some robotics developments have been met with criticism, especially those of an anthropomorphic nature or in a collaborative task with humans. Due to the emerging role of robotics in our society and economy, there is an increasing need to engage social scientists and more broadly humanities scholars in the field. In this manner we can furthermore ensure that robots are developed and implemented considering the socio-ethical implications that they raise. 17dc91bb1f

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