30 September 9:00am-12:15pm (US/Central) (in your timezone)

Session 1: 30 September 9:00am-9:05pm (US/Central) (in your timezone)


Chair: Adam Jatowt

Session 2: 30 September 9:05am-10:05pm (US/Central) (in your timezone)


Session 3: 30 September 10:15am-11:30pm (US/Central) (in your timezone)

Chair: Adam Jatowt

10:15-10:45 Specifying a generic working environment on historical data, based on MetaindeX, Kibana and Gephi - Laurent Millet-Lacombe (full paper)

10:50-11:20 DDB-KG: The German Bibliographic Heritage in a Knowledge Graph - Mary Ann Tan, Tabea Tietz, Oleksandra Bruns, Jonas Oppenlaender, Danilo Dessì and Harald Sack (full paper)

11:20-11:30 break

Session 4: 30 September 11:30am-11:50am (US/Central) (in your timezone)

1st October 1:00am-4:15am (US/Central) (in your timezone)

Session 5: 1st October 1:00am-2:10am (US/Central) (in your timezone)

Chair: Ryohei Ikejiri

1:00-1:30 SpaceWars: A Web Interface for Exploring the Spatio-temporal Dimensions of WWI Newspaper Reporting - Nicolas Gutehrlé, Oleg Harlamov, Farimah Karimi, Haoyu Wei, Axel Jean-Cauran and Lidia Pivovarova (full paper)

1:30-2:00 Analysis of Toponyms from the Polish National Bibliography - Adam Pawłowski and Tomasz Walkowiak (full paper)

2:00-2:10 break

Session 6: 1st October 2:10am-3:20am (US/Central) (in your timezone)

Chair: Eva Pfanzelter

2:10-2:40 Benchmarks for Unsupervised Discourse Change Detection - Quan Duong, Lidia Pivovarova and Elaine Zosa (full paper)

2:40-3:10 Modelling Archival Hierarchies in Practice: Key Aspects and Lessons Learned - Mahsa Vafaie, Oleksandra Bruns, Danilo Dessi, Nastasja Pilz and Harald Sack (full paper)

3:10-3:20 break

Session 7: 1st October 3:20am-4:10am (US/Central) (in your timezone)

Chair: Lidia Pivovarova

3:20-3:50 A Computational History Approach to Interpretation and Analysis of Moral European Values: the VAST Research Project - Silvana Castano, Alfio Ferrara, Giulia Giannini, Stefano Montanelli and Francesco Periti (full paper)

3:50-4:10 OCR-D & OCR4all: Two Complementary Approaches for Improved OCR of Historical Sources - Konstantin Baierer, Andreas Büttner, Elisabeth Engl, Lena Hinrichsen and Christian Reul (short paper)

Session 8: 1st October 4:10am-4:15am (US/Central) (in your timezone)


Accepted Papers

Full paper