
Fernando B. Figueiredo (PI) has a degree in Physics and Applied Mathematics from Porto University and an MSc in History and Philosophy of Science from Nova University of Lisbon. He earned his PhD in Mathematics from Coimbra University and currently is the Coordinator of the Centre for Earth and Space Research of the University of Coimbra (CITEUC). His research interests are the history of astronomy and mathematics, history of instruments, biography and the history of relationships between culture, politics, and science in the Enlightenment and Empire. More recently his interests have turned to the 19th-century observatory and physical-mathematical sciences (astronomy, geodesy, meteorology, geomagnetism and seismology).

Paulo Ribeiro (co-PI) has a degree in Geological Engineering from the University of Aveiro (1993) and Master in Dynamic Geology (with specialization in Geodynamics), University of Lisbon (1998). He is currently senior technician (area of ​​Atmospheric Physics and Geophysics) at the OGAUC with responsibilities in the operation, maintenance and modernization of their magnetic and meteorological observatories. His research areas are: (1) Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (with emphasis on the study of the issues and methods of geomagnetic observation, and in identifying and interpreting changes in spatio-temporal properties of the geomagnetic field, as well as the processes of interaction Sun-Earth and Space Weather); (2) Paleomagnetism and Magnetism of Rocks (with special attention to the processes of acquisition and re-magnetization, and its implications in tectonics and geodynamics studies of Iberia); (3) History of Science (with particular interest in the historical development of geophysics in Portugal).

Ana Gomes is graduated in Geology (scientific branch) by the University of Coimbra, obtained the master's degree in Volcanology and Geological Risks in 2004 and obtained her doctorate in Geology (specialty of Volcanology) in 2013, by the University of the Azores. She was part of several regional, national and international projects related to the assessment of geological risks and geophysical monitoring of active volcanic devices. Currently his main areas of research are the analysis of seismic data, stratigraphy, history of science, geological risk assessment and dissemination of science. Is the author and co-author of several scientific articles published in international and national journals of the specialty, technical-scientific reports.

Anabela Ramos started working on geomorphology of the coastal and river areas, geomorphologic mapping, sedimentology, stratigraphy, and tectonics in 2000 during the MSc dissertation (University of Coimbra). She has PhD in Geology. Since 2010 has been developing studies about land planning; natural risks cartography, natural resources evaluation, and geoheritage. It was successfully applied the qualitative and quantitative methods to build cartography of susceptibility to natural dangerous processes (landslides, flooding, earthquakes and coastal erosion) at a regional scale.

Carlos M. Martins is Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture, FCTUC at the University of Coimbra (UC), where he has taught since 1999. Graduated in Architecture in the Faculty of Architecture of the University Porto (1986), he holds a PhD in Architecture from the University of Coimbra with a thesis on public works in Portugal in late eighteenth century, awarded with the Pina Manique International Research Prize (Academia Portuguesa da História). His main research interests are the technical and scientific activity and teaching and research institutions of the Enlightenment.

Carlota Simões PhD in Mathematics from the University of Twente (Netherlands) and she is a professor in the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra. She is the author of "Descobre a Matemática" and co-author of "Descobre o Som", from the Ciência a Brincar collection of Editorial Bizâncio. She was Director of the Science Museum of the University of Coimbra.

Décio R: Martins is PhD in History and Teaching of Physics at the University of Coimbra (1997) and Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics at FCTUC, University of Coimbra. He is Coordinator of the PhD programme in History of Science and Scientific Education of the University of Coimbra.

Estefânia Pires is a teacher of basic and secondary education, group of Biology and Geology. She is PhD in Geology, Geological Resources and Environment and MSC in Geosciences (specialization: Natural Sciences Teaching [Earth Sciences]), Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra. She has published several papers in conferences and specialty magazines in Education. Is responsible for the orientation and participation of students in different projects in the scope of Education in Geosciences.

Fernando Carlos Lopes is PhD in Geological Engineering, Applied Geophysics, University of Coimbra (2002), MSc) in Geophysical Sciences, University of Lisboa (1993) and BSc in Geology, University of Coimbra (1989). He is Assistent professor at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Coimbra (DCT). His main areas of research include Tectonophysics, Seismic Stratigraphy, Salton Tectonics, Geological Hazards and History of Geosciences.

Gina Correia is a Biology and Geology teacher at middle and high school. She holds a MSC in Environmental Education (2006) and a PhD in Geology (specialization in History and Methodology of Geological Sciences) (2014), at the University of Coimbra. Her research focuses on the science education and the history of science, topics on which she has several publications in scientific meetings and in national and international journals. Since January 2019 she is EGU Geoscience Education Field Officer.

João Paulo da Providência holds an Architecture degree from the University of Porto (1988) and a PhD from the University of Coimbra (2007). He is Full Professor of Architecture at the University of Coimbra, where he is also a Tutor of Masters and PhD Dissertations. As well, he is a practicing Architect with an interest in the design of public-use buildings. His research interests include nineteenth-century and contemporary methods and practice of architectural expression.

Pedro Callapez is member of the FCTUC Earth Sciences Department since November of 1988 and Assistant Teacher since July of 1998, after finishing a PhD on the Upper Cretaceous of Portugal. From 2004 to 2010 was the last coordinator of the Museum of Mineralogy and Geology of the University of Coimbra, a museological structure that is presently in course of modernization as part of the whole Museum of Science. Since 2008 is member of the international scientific committee charged of the exhibition planning of the new Museum of Science of the University of Coimbra. Is also a member of the new scientific teem for the curation of the collections. His main research areas are the Stratigraphy and invertebrate Palaeontology of the Upper Cretaceous, with emphasis on mollusc systematics, palaeoecology and palaeoclimatology. At the same time he develops work on the history of Geology and Paleontology, both teaching, early field work and researches, and historic museology.

Vitor Bonifácio is professor at the University of Aveiro (Physics Department), Vice Director of the Master's Degree in Physics. His research area is History of Science, Astronomy and Physics in particular; History of Science Teaching; History of Scientific Thought.

António José Leonardo is a researcher (with a PhD in Physics) at the Physics Centre of the University of Coimbra, being his interests in history of science (physics and chemistry).

Gilberto Pereira has a degree in Industrial Chemistry (FCTUC) and a Master's in Chemistry Applied to Cultural Heritage (FCUL). He is curator of the collection of scientific instruments of the Science Museum of the UC. His area of research is centred on the study of scientific research carried out in the Physics Laboratory of the University of Coimbra between 1911 and 1972 (the subject of his doctoral thesis which is currently being finalised).