

4次元多様体の構造とファイバー構造の両方を許容する対象として Lefschetzファイバー空間を研究してきました。近年は4次元多様体とファイバー構造を切り離して、それぞれを様々な観点から研究しています。そうして得られた知見をいずれは統合したいと考えています。


H. Endo and A. Pajitnov, On generalized Inoue manifolds, Proceedings of the International Geometry Center 13 (2020), no. 4, 24-39; MR4237776.

K. Akutagawa, H. Endo, and H. Seshadri, A gap theorem for positive Einstein metrics on the four-sphere, Mathematische Annalen 373 (2019), no. 3-4, 1329-1339; MR3953130. 

H. Endo and A. Pajitnov, Circle-valued Morse theory for spun knots and surface-links, The Michigan Mathematical Journal 66 (2017), no. 4, 813-830; MR3720325.

H. Endo and A. Pajitnov, On the Morse-Novikov number for 2-knots, Osaka Journal of Mathematics 54 (2017), no. 4, 725-736; MR3715359.

H. Endo and S. Kamada, Counting Dirac braid relators and hyperelliptic Lefschetz fibrations, Transactions of the London Mathematical Society 4 (2017), no. 1, 72-99; MR3653055.

H. Endo, I. Hasegawa, S. Kamada, and K. Tanaka, Charts, signatures, and stabilization of Lefschetz fibrations, In: Interactions between low-dimensional topology and mapping class groups (Max Planck 2013), Geometry and Topology Monographs 19 (2015), 237-267; MR3609910.

H. Endo and S. Kamada, Chart description for hyperelliptic Lefschetz fibrations and their stabilization, Topology and its Applications 196 (2015), Part B, 416-430; MR3430986.

H. Endo, T. E. Mark, and J. Van Horn-Morris, Monodromy substitutions and rational blowdowns, Journal of Topology 4 (2011), no. 1, 227-253; MR2783383.

H. Endo and Y. Z. Gurtas, Lantern relations and rational blowdowns, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 138 (2010), no. 3, 1131-1142; MR2566578.

H. Endo, A generalization of Chakiris' fibrations, In: Groups of Diffeomorphisms, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 52, pp. 251-282, 2008; MR2509712.

H. Endo and D. Kotschick, Failure of separation by quasi-homomorphisms in mapping class groups, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 135 (2007), no. 9, 2747-2750; MR2317948.

H. Endo and S. Nagami, Signature of relations in mapping class groups and non-holomorphic Lefschetz fibrations, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 357 (2005), no. 8, 3179-3199; MR2135741 (2006g:57051).

H. Endo, M. Korkmaz, D. Kotschick, B. Ozbagci, and A. Stipsicz, Commutators, Lefschetz fibrations and the signatures of surface bundles, Topology 41 (2002), no. 5, 961-977; MR1923994 (2003f:57051).

H. Endo and D. Kotschick, Bounded cohomology and non-uniform perfection of mapping class groups, Inventiones mathematicae 144 (2001), no. 1, 169-175; MR1821147 (2001m:57046).

H. Endo, Meyer's signature cocycle and hyperelliptic fibrations, Mathematische Annalen 316 (2000), no. 2, 237-257; MR1741270 (2001b:57047).

H. Endo, A construction of surface bundles over surfaces with non-zero signature, Osaka Journal of Mathematics 35 (1998), no. 4, 915-930; MR1659565 (99m:55017).

H. Endo, Linear independence of topologically slice knots in the smooth cobordism group, Topology and its Applications 63 (1995), no. 3, 257-262; MR1334309 (96c:57010).


H. Endo, Lefschetz fibrations, Sugaku Expositions 34 (2021), no. 2, 175-204; MR4327688.

遠藤久顕, Lefschetzファイバー空間, 数学 第 69巻 第 2号, 2017年 4月, 157-180; MR3675915.

T. Ashikaga and H. Endo, Various aspects of degenerate families of Riemann surfaces, Sugaku Expositions 19 (2006), no. 2, 171-196; MR2279776.

足利正・遠藤久顕, リーマン面の退化族の諸相, 数学 第 56巻 第 1号, 2004年 1月, 49-72; MR2041054.


H. Endo and A. Pajitnov, On a generalization of Inoue and Oeljeklaus-Toma manifolds, preprint, arXiv:1906.07401. 

H. Endo and Y. Z. Gurtas, Positive Dehn twist expression for a Z_3 action on Sigma_g, preprint, arXiv:0808.0752.


遠藤久顕・早野健太『4次元多様体とファイバー構造 レフシェッツ束のトポロジー』(ひろがるトポロジー)共立出版, 2024年 6月, ISBN978-4-3201-1504-0.

遠藤久顕 『現代の数学への道 集合と位相』(ライブラリ現代の数学への道 3)サイエンス社, 2020年 12月, ISBN978-4-7819-1494-7.


遠藤久顕, トポロジー的思考法のすすめ, 数理科学, No. 690, 特集・トポロジー的思考法のすすめ, pp. 5-6, 2020年 12月号

遠藤久顕, 勾配ベクトル場から低次元多様体へ, 数理科学, No. 614, 特集・ベクトル解析の力, pp. 28-33, 2014年 8月号