

Anyone who meets the qualifications as specified in the H.I.S. constitution is eligible for regular membership in the Society and subject to payment of annual dues, currently $25.00. The membership year begins on the calendar year, Jan 1st to Dec 31st. 

Excerpts from the Constitution:

Article IV Regular membership ​in this organization shall be limited to State employees engaged in plant pest inspection work as inspectors or as supervisors, in field, laboratory, or office, other than administrative personnel and who have paid annual membership dues for the current year." Affiliate membership" ​shall be provided for Federal employees engaged in plant pest inspection work as inspectors or supervisors, in field, laboratory, or office, other than administrative personnel." Honorary membership" ​may be awarded to administrators or to others who, by their experience, achievements and interest are worthy of distinction. Sec. 1 Voting membership in this chapter of this organization shall be limited to those regular members ​from the Eastern Plant Board States, namely; Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and West Virginia. ​Affiliate members and honorary members may not vote. Sec. 2 Voting on matters of business of the organization shall be done by States, with each State entitled to one vote. Members within states shall designate an official delegate or voting member who shall be responsible for voting. Sec. 3 Members from outside the Eastern Plant Board region shall be welcomed to attend and participate in discussions of this organization chapter. Administrative personnel in plant pest control work are welcome to attend and participate in discussions as special guests of this organization. 

Other Benefits:

Besides the educational value of the annual meetings, the opportunity to make acquaintances with others in the same vocation from many other states is considered a good reason to participate. Many members making lasting interstate friendships, discover common special interests and derive considerable benefit from discussing common problems.

The rewards of membership, of course, provide benefit to both the individual and their employer. H.I.S. and its activities have been well supported by regulatory administrators in the Eastern Plant Board states, and by the Eastern Plant Board itself. 

An inspector, serious about their work, naturally wants to improve their knowledge and skill, and H.I.S. can be an enjoyable part of this process. It is an opportunity that should not be postponed. You are invited and urged to step into membership now and move with others through an always pleasant association and interesting experience!