Akima, H., Maeda, K., Shima, N.: Neuromuscular activation of the quadriceps femoris, including the vastus intermedius, during isokinetic knee extensions. Sci. Reports (in press).
Yoshiko, A., Ando, R., Akima, H.: Passive muscle stiffness is correlated with the intramuscular adipose tissue in young individuals. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 123:1081-1090, 2023.
Yoshiko, A., Ando, R., Akima, H.: Relative contribution of neuromuscular activation, muscle size, and muscle quality to maximum strength output of the thigh muscles in young individuals. Physiol Rep. 11(1):e15563, 2023.
Kitagawa, F., Ogawa, M., Yoshiko, A., Oshida, Y., Koike, T., Akima, H., Tanaka, N.I.: Factors related to trunk intramuscular adipose tissue content - A comparison of younger and older men. Exp. Getontol. 168:111922, 2022.
Akima, H., Yamamori, K., Taniguchi, K., Fujimiya, M., Katayose, M., Yoshiko, A., Tanaka, N.: Effect of subcutaneous adipose tissue and muscle thicknesses on rectus femoris and vastus intermedius ultrasound echo intensities: a cadaver study. J. Ultrasound. 2022.
Yoshiko, A., Maeda, H., Tahkahashi, H., Koike, T., Tanaka, N., Akima, H.: Importance of skeletal muscle lipid levels for mucle function and physical function in older individuals. App. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 47: 649-658, 2022.
Akima, H., Maeda, H., Suwa, M., Imoto, T., Tanaka, N.: Skeletal muscle and abdominal circumference explain intramuscular fat, independent of exercise frequency, in middle-aged Japanese men. PLoS One 17(5):e0267557, 2022.
Yoshiko, A., Maeda, H., Takahashi, H., Koike, T., Tanaka, N., Akima, H.: Contribution of skeletal muscle and serum lipids to muscle contraction in by neuromuscular electrical stimulation in older individuals. Physiol. Rep. 10(6):e15236, 2022.
Hioki, M., Kanehira, N., Koike, T., Saito, A., Shimaoka, K., Sakakibara, H., Oshida, Y., Akima, H.: Relationship between adiponectin and intramuscular fat content determined by ultrasonography in older adults. PLoS One 17(1):e0262271, 2022.
Ogawa, M., Tanaka, N., Yoshiko, A., Oshida, Y., Koike, T., Akima, H.: Relationship between physical activity times and intramuscular adipose tissue contents of the thigh muscle groups in younger and older men. Sci. Reports 5: 11(1):19804, 2021.
Ogawa, M., Koskensalo, K., Laurila, S., Holstila, M., Lahesmaa, M., Virtanen, K.A., Iida, H., Akima, H., Nuutila, P.: Brown adipose tissue fat graction is associated with skeletal muscle adiposity. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. (accepted for publication).
Tanaka, N., Maeda, H., Suwa, M., Imoto, T., Akima, H.: Comparison of metabolic risk factors, physical performance, and prevalence of low back pain among categories determined by visceral adipose tissue and trunk skeletal muscle mass in middle-aged men. Exp. Gerontol. 155: 111554, 2021
Yoshiko, A., Kaji, T., Kouzaka, T., Sawazaki, T., Akima, H.: Evaluation of rehabilitation exercise effects by using gradation-based skeletal muscle echo-intensity in older individuals: a one-group before-and-after trial study. BMC Geriatr. 6: 21(1): 485, 2021.
Yoshiko, A., Ogawa, M., Shimizu, K., Radaelli, R., Neske, R., Maeda, H., Maeda, K., Teodoro, J., Tanaka, N., Pinto, R., Akima, H.: Chair sit-to-stand performance is associated with diagnostic features of sarcopenia in older men and women. Arch. Getontol. Geriatr. 96: 104463, 2021.
Makino, T., Umegaki, H., Ando, M., Cheng, X.W., Ishida, K., Akima, H., Ishida, Y., Uemura, K., Shimada, H., Kuzuya, M.: Effect of aerobic, resistance, or combined exercise training among older adults with subjective memory complaints: A randomized controlled trial. J. Alzheimers Dis. 82: 701-717, 2021.
Hioki, M., Kanehira, N., Koike, T., Saito, A., Takahashi, H., Shimaoka, K., Sakakibara, H., Oshida, Y., Akima, H.: Effect of electromyostimulation on intramy ocellular lipids of the vastus lateralis in older adults: A randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet. Disord. 22(1): 569, 2021.
Akima, H., Maeda, H., Koike, T., Ishida, K.: Effect of elbow joint angle on electromyographic activity versus force relkationships of synergistic muscles of the triceps brachii. PLoS One 0252644, 2021.
Ando, R., Taniguchi, K., Kikuchi, S., Mizoguchi, S., Fujimiya, M., Katayose, M., Akima, H.: Sarcomere length of the vastus intermedius with the knee joint angle change. Physiol. Reports 9:e14771, 2021.
Shimizu, K., Shiozawa, K., Ishida, K., Saito, M., Akima, H., Katayama, K.: Age and sex differences in blood pressure response during hyperpnea. Exp. Phyisol. 106, 736-747, 2021.
Tanaka, N., Ogawa, M., Yoshiko, A., Akima, H.: Validity of extended field-of-view ultrasound imaging to evaluate quntity and quality of trunk skeletal muscles. Ultrasound Med. Biol. 47: 376-385, 2021.
Akima, H., Yoshiko, A., Radaelli, R., Ogawa, M., Shimizu, K., Tomita, A., Maeda, H., Neske, R., Teodoro, J., Maeda, K., Tanaka, N., Pinto, R.S.: Comparison muscle quality and functional capacity between Japanese and Brazilian older individuals. PLoS One 15(12): e243589, 2020.
Ogawa, M., Belavy, D., Yoshiko, A., Armbrecht, G., Miokovic, T., Felsenberg, D., Akima, H.: Effects of 8 weeks with or without resistance exercise intervention on the volume of the muscle tissue and the adipose tissues of the thigh. Sci Reports 8(18): e14560, 2020.
Maeda, H., Saito, M., Ishida, K., Akima, H.: Relationship between resting blood flow and the indices of muscle damage after eccentric contractions. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 120: 2183-2192, 2020.
Akima, H., Maeda, H., Koike, T., Ishida, K., Ando, R.: Comparison of fascicle behaviors between superficial and deeper muscles of triceps brachii during isometric contractions. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol.54: 102452, 2020.
Akima, H., Yoshiko, A., Ogawa, M., Maeda, H., Tomita, A., Ando, R., Tanaka, N.I.: Quadriceps echo intensity can be and index of muscle size regardless of age in 65 or more years old. Exp. Gerontol. 135: 111015, 2020.
Maeda, H., Imada, K., Ishida, K., Akima, H.: Quadriceps thickness and echo intensity predict gait independence in individuals with sever and mild hemiparetic stroke. Eur. Neurol. 83: 167-173, 2020.
Shimizu, K., Shiozawa, K., Ishida, K., Saito, M., Mizuno, S., Akima, H., Katayama, K.: Blood pressure and limb blood flow responses during hyperpnoea are not affected by menstrual cycle phase in young women. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol.275: 103387, 2020.
Hioki, M., Kanehira, N., Koike, T., Saito, A., Shimaoka, K., Sakakibara, H., Oshida, Y., Akima, H.: Age-related changes in muscle volume and intramuscular fat content in quadriceps femoris and hamstrings. Exp. Gerontol. 132: 110834, 2020.
Akima, H., Tomita, A., Ando, R.: Effect of knee joint angle on the neuromuscular activation of the quadriceps femoris during repetitive fatiguing contractions. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol.49: 102356, 2019.
Ogawa, M., Yoshiko, A., Tanaka, N., Koike, T., Oshida, Y., Akima, H.: Comparing intramuscular adipose tissue on T1-weighted and two-point Dixon images. PLoS One 15(4): e0231156, 2020.
Yoshiko, A., Katayama, K., Ishida, K., Ando, R., Koike, T., Oshida, Y., Akima, H.: Muscle deoxygenation and neuromuscular activation in synergistic muscles during intermittent exercise under hypoxic conditions. Sci. Reports 10: 295, 2020.
Yoshiko, A., Natsume, Y., Makino, T., Hayashi, T., Umegaki, H., Yoshida, Y., Cheng, X.W., Kuzuya, M., Ishida, K., Koike, T., Oshida, Y., Akima, H.: Higher and lower muscle echo intensity in elderly individuals is distinguished by muscle size, physical perfomermance and daily physical activity. Ultrasound Med Biol.45: 2372-2380, 2019.
Kato, T., Taniguchi, K., Akima, H., Watanabe, K., Ikeda, Y., Katayose, M.: Effect of hip angle on neuromuscular activation of the adductor longus and adductor magnus during isometric hip flexion and extension. Eur. J. Appl. Phsyiol.119: 1611-1617, 2019.
Maeda, H., Imada, K., Ishida, K., Akima, H. : Relationship of quadriceps muscle thickness with motor paralysis and muscle echo intensity in post-stroke patients. Eur. Neurol. 81: 56-62, 2019.
Yoshiko, A., Kaji, T., Sugiyama, H., Koike, T., Oshida, Y., Akima, H.: Twenty-four months' resistance and endurance training improves muscle size and physical functions but not muscle quality in older adults requiring long-term care. J. Nutr. Health Aging 23: 5654-570, 2019.
Ando, R., Kondo, S., Katayama, K., Ishida, K., Akima, H.: Neuromuscular activation of the knee and hip extensor muscles during high-intensity interval and moderate-intensity constant cycling. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 44: 64-69, 2019.
Hioki, M., Kanehira, N., Koike, T., Saito, A., Takahashi, H., Shimaoka, K., Sakakibara, H., Oshida, Y., Akima, H.: Relationship between physical activity and intramyocellular lipid content is different between young and older adults. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 119: 113-122, 2019.
Watanabe, K., Holobar, A., Mita, Y., Kouzaki, M., Ogawa, M., Akima, H., Moritani, T.: Effect of resistance training and fish protein intake on motor unit firing pattern and motor function in elderly. Front. Physiol. 9: 1733, 2018..
Akima, H., Kainuma, K., Togashi, K.: Abdominal and thigh muscle attenuation is associated with visceral fat and age in children and adolescents with obesity. Glob. Pediatric Health 5: 1-9, 2018.
Yoshiko, A., Tomita, A., Ando,. R., Ogawa, M., Kondo, S., Saito, A., Tanaka, N., Koike, T., Oshida, Y., Akima, H.: Effects of 10-week walking and walking with home-based resistance training on muscle quality, muscle size, an physical functional tests in healthy older individuals. Eur. Rev. Aging Phys Act. 15: 13, 2018.
Yoshiko, A., Yamauchi, K., Kato, T., Ishida, K., Koike, T., Oshida, Y., Akima, H.: Effect of post-fracture non-weight-bearing immobilization on muscle atrophy, intramuscular and intermuscular adipose tissues in thigh and calf. Skeletal Radiol. 47: 1541-1549, 2018.
Nunome, H., Inoue, K., Watanabe, K., Iga, T., Akima, H.: Dynamics of submaximal effort soccer instep kicking.. J. Sports Sci. 36: 2588-2595, 2018.
Yoshiko, A., Kaji, T., Sugiyama, H., Koike, T., Oshida, Y., Akima, H.: Muscle quality characteristics in the thigh, upper arm and lower back in elderly men and women. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 118: 1385-1395, 2018.
Saito, A., Tomita, A., Ando, R., Watanabe, K., Akima, H.: Muscle synergies are consistent across level and uphill treadmill running. Sci Reports 8: 5979, 2018.
Watanabe, K., Kouzaki, M., Ogawa, M., Akima, H., Moritani, T.: Relationships between muscle strength and multi-channel surface EMG parameters in eighty-eight elderly. Eur Rev. Aging. Phys. Act. 15:3, 2018.
Saito, A., Tomita, A., Ando, R., Watanabe, K., Akima, H.: Similarity of muscle synergies extracted from the lower limb including the deep muscles between level and uphill treadmill walking. Gait Posture 59: 134-139, 2018.
Ando, R., Nosaka, K., Tomita, A., Watanabe, K., Blazevich, A.J., Akima, H.: Vastus intermedius versus vastus lateralis fascicle behavior during maximal concentric and eccentric contractions. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports 28: 1018-1026, 2018.
Shimizu, K., Goto, K., Ishida, K., Saito, M., Akima, H., Katayama, K.: Blood pressure response during normocapnic hyperpnoea is blunted in young women compared to men. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 247: 52-56, 2018.
Yamauchi, K., Yoshiko, A., Hayashi, H., Suzuki, S., Kato, C., Akima, H., Kato, T., Ishida, K.: Estimation of individual thigh muscle volumes from single-slice cross-sectional area and muscle thickness measured using magnetic resonance imaging in patients with knee osteoarthritis. J. Orthop. Surg. 25: 2309499017743101, 2017.
Yamauchi, K., Yoshiko, A., Suzuki, S., Miyake, S., Kato, C., Akima, H., Ishida, K.: Muscle atrophy and recovery of individual muscles as measured by magnetic resonance imaging scan during treatment with cast for ankle or foot fracture. J. Orthop. Surg. 25: 2309499017739765, 2017.
Ogawa, M, Lester, R., Akima, H., Gorgey, A.S.: Intermuscular adipose tissue and intramuscular adipose tissue quantification by magnetic resonance imaging. Neural Regen. Res. 12: 2100-2105, 2017.
Tanaka, N.I., Yoshiko, A., Ando, R., Akima, H.: Reliability of size and echo intensity of abdominal skeletal muscles using ultrasound extended field-of-view imaging. Eur. J. Appl. Physipl.117: 2263-2270, 2017.
Yoshiko, A., Kaji, T., Sugiyama, H., Koike, T., Oshida, Y., Akima, H.: Effect of 12 months resistance and endurance training on quality, quantity, and function of skeletal muscle in older adults requiring long-term care. Exp. Gerontrol. 98: 230-237, 2017.
Akima, H., Ando, R.: Oxygenation and neuromuscular activation of the quadriceps femoris including vastus intermedius during a fatiguing contraction. Clin. Physiol. Func. Imaging 37: 750-758, 2017.
Ando, R., Tomita, A., Watanabe, K., Akima, H.: Knee joint angle and vasti muscle electromyograms during fatiguing contractions. Clin. Physiol. Func. Imaging (in press).
Yoshiko, A., Hioki, M., Kanehira, N., Shimaoka, K., Koike, T., Sakakibara, H., Oshida, Y., Akima, H.: Three-dimensional comparison of intramuscular fat content between young and old adults. BMC Medical Imaging 17: 12, 2017.
Akima, H., Yoshiko, A., Tomita, A., Ando, R., Saito, A., Ogawa, M., Kondo, S., Tanaka, N.I.: Relationship between quadriceps echo intensity and functional and morphological characteristics in older men and women. Arch. Gerontol. Geriatr.70: 105-111, 2017.
Saito, A., Ando, R., Akima, H.: Effects of prolonged vibration to vastus intermedius muscle on force steadiness of knee extensor muscles during isometric force-matching task. J. Electromyogr. Kinnesiol. 36: 457-463, 2016.
Watanabe, K., Holobar, A., Kouzaki, M., Ogawa, M., Akima, H., Moritani. T.: Age-related changes in motor unit firing pattern of vastus lateralis muscle during low-moderate contraction. AGE 38:48, 2016.
Akima, H., Hioki, M., Yoshiko, A., Koike, T., Sakakibara, H., Takahashi, H., Oshida, Y.: Intramuscular adipose tissue by T1-weighted MRI at 3T primarily reflects extramyocellular lipids. Magn. Reson. Imaging 34: 397-403, 2016.
Ando, R., Nosaka, K., Inami, T., Tomita, A., Watanabe, K., Blazevich, A., Akima, H.: Difference in fascicle behaviors between superficial and deep quadriceps muscles during isometric contractions. Muscle & Nerve 53: 797-802, 2016.
Hioki, M., Kanehira, N., Koike, T., Saito, A., Takahashi, H., Shimaoka, K., Sakakibara, H., Oshida, Y., Akima, H.: Associations of intramyocellular lipid in vastus lateralis and biceps femoris with blood free fatty acid and muscle strength differ between young and elderly adults. Clin. Physiol. Funct. Imaging 36: 457-463, 2016.
Saito, A., Ando, R., Akima, H.: Effects of prolonged patellar tendon vibration on force steadiness in quadriceps femoris during force-matching task. Exp. Brain Res. 234: 209-217, 2016.
Tomita, A., Ando, R., Saito, A., Watanabe, K.,Akima, H.: Effect of interelectrode distance on surface electromyographic signals of vastus intermedius muscle in women and men. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol.25: 841-846, 2015.
Watanabe, K., Kouzaki, M., Ando, R., Akima, H., Moritani, T.: Non-uniform recruitment along humans rectus femmoris muscle during transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol.115: 2159-2165, 2015.
Saito, A., Akima, H: Neuromuscular activation of the vastus intermedius muscle during isometric hip flexion. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0141146, 2015.
Akima, H., Yoshiko, A., Hioki, M., Kanehira, N., Shimaoka, K., Koike, T., Sakakibara, H., Oshida, Y.: Skeletal muscle size is a major predictor of intramuscular fat content regardless of age. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 115: 1627-1635, 2015.
Saito, A., Watanabe, K., Akima, H.: Coordination among thigh muscles including the vastus intermedius and adductor magnus at different cycling intensities. Human Mov. Sci. 40: 14-23, 2015.
Ando, R., Saito, A., Umemura, Y., Akima, H.: Local architecture of the vastus intermedius is a better predictor of knee extension force than that of the other quadriceps femoris muscle heads.Clin. Physiol. Func Imaging 35: 376-382, 2015.
Ando, R., Taniguchi, K., Saito, A., Fujimiya, M., Katayose, M., Akima, H.: Validity of fascicle length estimation in the vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius using ultrasonography. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 24: 214-220, 2014.
Hioki, M., Furukawa, T., Akima, H.: Estimation of muscle atrophy based on muscle thickness in knee surgery patients. Clin. Physiol. Funct. Imaging 34: 183-190, 2014.
Akima, H., Saito, A.: Activation of quadriceps femoris including vastus indermedius during fatiguing dynamic knee extensions. Eur J. Appl. Physiol.113: 2829-2840, 2013.
Saito, A., Akima, H.: Knee joint angle affects EMG-force relationship in the vastus intermedius muscle. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 23: 1406-1412, 2013.
Saito, A., Watanabe, K., Akima, H.: The highest antagonistic coactivation of the vastus intermedius muscle among quadriceps femoris muscles during isometric knee flexion. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 23: 831-837, 2013.
Akima, H., Saito, A.: Inverse activation between the deeper vastus intermedius and superficial muscles in quadriceps during dynamic knee extensions. Muscle Nerve 47: 682-690, 2013.
Akima, H.: Invited review: Evaluation of functional properties of skeletal muscle using functional magnetic resonance imaging. J. Phys. Fitness Sports Med. 1: 621-630, 2012.
Akima, H., Saito, A., Watanabe, K., Kouzaki, M.: Alternate muscle activity patterns among synergists of the quadriceps femoris including the vastus intermedius during low-level sustained contraction in men. Muscle Nerve 46: 86-95, 2012.
Akima, H., Lott, D., Senesac, C., Deol, J., Germain, S., Arpan, I., Bendixen, R., Sweeney, H.L., Walter, G., Vandenborne, K.: Relationships of thigh muscle contractile and non-contractile tissue with function, strength, and age in boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Neuromuscul. Disord. 22: 16-25, 2012.
Watanabe, K., Akima, H.: Effect of knee joint angle on neuromuscular activation of the vastus intermedius muscle during isometric contraction. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports 21: e412-e420, 2011.
Watanabe, K., Akima, H.: Validity of surface electromyography for vastus intermedius muscle assessed by needle electromyography. J. Neurosci. Methods. 198: 332-335, 2011.
Hotta, N., Ishida, K., Sato, K., Watanabe, K., Katayama, K., Akima, H.: The effect of intense interval cycling-training on unloading-induced dysfunction and atrophy in the human calf muscle. J. Physiol. Anthropol. 30: 29-35, 2011.
Sato, K., Hotta, N., Miyachi, M., Masuda, K., Koike, T., Akima, H.: Relationship between aerobic capacity and muscle atrophy after lower limbs suspension with and without countermeasure. Aviat. Space Environ Med.30: 1085-1091, 2010.
Katayama, K., Yoshitake, Y., Watanabe, K., Akima, H., Ishida, K.: Muscle deoxygenation during sustained and intermittent isometric exercise in hypoxia. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc.42: 1269-1278, 2010.
Watanabe, K., Akima, H.: Neruomuscular activation of vastus intermedius muscle during fatiguing exercise. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 20: 661-666, 2010.
Ishida, K., Katayama, K., Akima, H., Iwase, S., Sato, K., Hotta, N., Miyamura, M.: Effects of deconditioning on the initial ventilatory and circulatory responses at the onset of exercise in man. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 669: 319-322, 2010.
Sakuma, K., Watanabe, K., Hotta, N., Koike, T., Ishida, K., Katayama, K., Akima, H.: The adaptive responses in several mediators linking with hypertrophy and atrophy of skeletal muscle after lower limb unloading in human. Acta Physiol. 197: 151-159, 2009..
Akima, H., Hotta, N., Sato, K., Ishida, K., Koike, T., Katayama, K.: Clycling ergometer exercise to counteracti muscle atrophy during unilateral lower limb suspension. Aviat Space Environ Med 80: 652-656, 2009.
Watanabe, K., Katayama, K., Ishida, K., Akima, H.: Electromyographic analysis of hip adductor muscles during incremental fatiguing pedaling exercise. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 106: 815-825, 2009.
Watanabe, K., Akima, H.: Normalized EMG to normalized torque relationships of vastus intermedius muscle during isometric knee extension. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 106: 665-673, 2009.
Furuichi, Y., Masuda, K., Takakura, H., Hotta, N., Ishida, K., Katayama, K., Iwase, S., Akima, H.: Effect of intensive interval training during unloading on muscle oxygenation kinetics. Int. J. Sports Med. 30: 563-568, 2009.
Watanabe, K, Akima, H.: Cross-talk from adjacent muscle has a negligible effect on surface electromyographic activity of vastus intermedius muscle during isometric contraction. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 19: e280-e289, 2009.
Akima, H., Hioki, M., Furukawa, T.: Effect of arthroscopic partial meniscectomy on the function of quadriceps femoris. Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc. 16: 1017-1035, 2008.
Sakuma, K., Akiho, M., Nakashima, H., Akima, H., Yasuhara, M.: Age-related reductions in expression of serum response factor and myocardin-related transcription factor A in mouse skeletal muscles. Biochimica Biophysica Acta 1782: 453-461, 2008.
Yamaoka-Endo, M., Kobayakawa, M., Kinugasa, R., Kuno, S., Akima, H., Rossiter, H.B., Miura, A., Fukuba, Y.: Thigh muscle activation distribution and pulmonary VO2 kinetics during moderate, heavy and very-heavy intensity cycling exercise in humans. Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 293: R812-R820, 2007.
Kouzaki, M., Masani, K., Akima, H., Shirasawa, H., Fukuoka, H., Kanehisa, H., Fukunaga, T.: Effects of 20-day bed rest with and without strength training on postural sway during quite standing. Acta Physiol. 189: 279-292, 2007.
Akima, H., Ushiyama, J., Kubo, J., Fukuoka, H., Kanehisa, H., Fukunaga, T.: Effect of unloading on muscle volume with and without resistance training. Acta Astronaut. 60: 728-736, 2007.
Hotta, N., Sato, K., Katayama, K., Koga, S., Masuda, K., Miyachi, M., Akima, H., Ishida, K.: Oxygen uptake kinetics following 20 days of unilateral lower limb suspension. J. Physiol. Sci. 56: 347-353, 2006.
Ogawa, T., Furochi, H., Mameoka, M., Hirasaka, K., Suzue, N., Oarada, M., Akamatsu, M., Akima, H., Fukunaga, T., Kishi, K., Yasui, N., Fukuoka, H., Nikawa, T.: Ubiquitin ligase gene expression in healthy volunteers with 20-day bedrest. Muscle & Nerve 34: 463-469, 2006.
Hotta, N., Sato, K., Sun, Z., Katayama, K., Akima, H., Kondo, T., Ishida, K.: Muscle soreness and damage augment ventilatory response at the onset of exercise. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 97: 598-606, 2006.
Akima, H.: Review: Functional imaging of human skeletal muscle during movement: Implications for recruitment, metabolism and circulation. Int. J. Sport Health Sci. 3: 193-206, 2005.
Akima, H., Furukawa, T.: Atrophy of thigh muscles after meniscal lesions and arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc. 13: 632-637, 2005.
Akima, H., Katayama, K., Sato, K., Ishida, K., Masuda, K., Takada, H., Watanabe, Y., Iwase, S.: Intensive cycle training with artificial gravity maintains muscle size during bed rest. Aviat Space Environ Med 76: 923-929, 2005.
Kinugasa, R., Akima, H.: Neuromuscular activation of triceps surae using muscle functional MRI and EMG. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 37: 593-598, 2005.
Akima, H., Kinugasa, R., Kuno, S.: Recruitment of the thigh muscles during sprint cycling by muscle functional magnetic resonance imaging. Int. J. Sports Med. 26: 245-252, 2005.
Katayama, K., Sato, K., Akima, H., Ishida, K., Takada, H., Watanabe, Y., Iwase, M., Miyamura, M., Iwase, S.: Acceleration with exercise during head-down bed rest preserves upright exercise responses. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 75: 1029-1035, 2004.
Kawashima, S., Akima, H., Kuno, S., Gunji, A., Fukunaga, T.: Human adductor muscle atrophy after short duration of unweighting. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 92: 602-605, 2004.
Kubo, K., Akima, H., Ushiyama, J., Tabata, I., Fukuoka, H., Kanehisa, H., Fukunaga, T.: Effects of resistance training during bed rest on the viscoelastic properties of tendon structures in the lower limb. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports 14: 296-302, 2004.
Kubo, K., Akima, H., Ushiyama, J., Tabata, I., Fukuoka, H., Kanehisa, H., Fukunaga, T.: Effects of 20 days of bed rest on the viscoelastic properties of tendon structures in lower limb muscles. Br. J. Sports Med. 38: 324-330, 2004.
Katayama, K., Sato, K., Akima, H., Ishida, K., Yanagiya, T., Kanehisa, H., Fukuoka, H., Fukunaga, T., Miyamura, M.: Effects of bed rest deconditioning on ventilatory and cardiovascular responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 75: 312-316, 2004.
Kinugasa, R., Akima, H., Ota, A., Ohta, A., Sugiura, K., Kuno, S.: Short-term creatine supplementation does not improve muscle activation or sprint performance in humans. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 91: 230-237, 2004.
Akima, H., Takahashi, H., Kuno, S., Katsuta, S.: Coactivation pattern in human quadriceps during isokinetic knee-extension by muscle functional MRI. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 91: 7-14, 2004.
Akima, H., Ushiyama, J., Kubo, J., Tonosaki, S., Itoh, M., Kawakami, Y., Fukuoka, H., Kanehisa, H., Fukunaga, T.: Resistance training during unweighting maintains muscle size and function in human calf. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 35: 655-662, 2003.
Akima, H., Foley, J.M., Prior, B.M., Dudley, G.A., Meyer, R.A.: Vastus lateralis fatigue alters recruitment of musculus quadriceps femoris in humans. J. Appl. Physiol. 92: 679-684, 2002.
Akima, H., Kubo, K., Imai, M., Kanehisa, H., Suzuki, Y., Gunji, A., Fukunaga, T.: Inactivity and muscle: effect of resistance training during bed rest on muscle size in the lower limb. Acta Physiol. Scand. 172: 269-278, 2001.
Akima, H., Kano, Y., Enomoto, Y., Ishizu, M., Okada, M., Ohishi, Y., Katsuta, S., Kuno, S.: Muscle function in 164 men and women aged 20 to 84 yr. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 33: 220-226, 2001.
Akima, H., Kuno, S., Takahashi, H., Fukunaga, T., Katsuta, S.: The use of magnetic resonance images to ingestigate the influence of recruitment on the relationship between torque-cross-sectional area in human muscle. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 83: 475-480, 2000.
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