
3 山本大樹, 渡邉啓太, 門間翔太, 辰尾宗一郎, 松坂方士, 石田水里, 岩根拓朗, 中路重之, 掛田伸吾



名古屋国際会議場, 2022/9/9~11(口頭発表)

2 Hiroki Yamamoto, Katsuhiro Nishinari,

"Velocity control in a one-lane lattice in order to maximize flow",

International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Applications 2015

'Self-Organization-Modeling and Analysis' ,

Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences (MIMS),

Center for Mathematical Modeling and Applications(CMMA) Meiji University, 2015/10/28.

'Self-Organization Modeling and Analysis' Incentive Award for Poster Presentation

1 山本大樹, 西成活裕,


"Improvement of traffic flow at a bottleneck by velocity control",

第21回 交通流のシミュレーションシンポジウム,

名古屋大学 野依記念学術交流館, 2015/12/10.

(口頭発表, 査読あり)

<Collaborators' Presentations>

1 2016/10/17-10/21

Daichi Yanagisawa, Hiroki Yamamoto, Takahiro Ezaki, and Katsuhiro Nishinari,

"Passing in a narrow corridor: Modelling body rotation by ellipse",

in Hefei, China, 2016/10/18, (Oral, Reviewed)