Hirohide Saito Lab

IQB, The University of Tokyo

CiRA, Kyoto University

RNA-Protein (RNP) complex plays a central role in gene expression by controlling translation, transcription, RNA processing, and so on. 

Then, we came up with the idea that understanding of the necessary factors to form the RNP such as RNA sequences and structures would enable us to artificially create RNP complexes to control molecular mechanisms and cell-fates. 

With this idea of synthetic biology, we are working on elucidating the programming mechanism of cells and controlling cell-fate precisely through the development of new technologies to understand, control and create RNP-based life systems.

Welcome to our lab!

The latest information is posted on Facebook page!

Research and education

Our research theme is "Creation of RNA-based synthetic biological systems".

We aim to control biological systems and create artificial cells with desired functions through understanding of RNA and RNA-protein (RNP) interactions. we hope to have an integrated understanding of the life phenomena governed by RNA and RNP by combining knowledge and technologies from different disciplines, such as synthetic biology, biochemistry, stem cell biology, and biophysics, and to open up "the field of  synthetic life system creation" by designing and developing artificial systems that contribute to the study of medical applications and insight into life evolution.

We are now recruiting new members to advance the following new themes!

The lab aims to develop novel technologies and realize basic and applied research that will lead to the next generation of life science and medicine. We welcome applications from a wide range of disciplines. We also provide financial support as RA(research assistant) and TA(teaching assistant) for graduate students pursuing a degree to help them to concentrate on their research.


Saito Lab is looking for graduate students (belonging to the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University) to be assigned next year! We also accept laboratory tours and interviews regarding research content (including online) at any time. If you are interested, please contact us below!