Hirley Alves

Hirley Alves, D.Sc. (Tech) , 

Associate Professor, University of Oulu

Short Bio

Hirley Alves is Associate Professor and Machine-type Wireless Communications Group leader at the Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu.  He is the Thematic Area Leader of Strategic Research Area 1 - Theme C: Massive Wireless Automation under the 6G Flagship Program. Hirley is working on massive connectivity and ultra-reliable low-latency communications for future 5GB and 6G wireless networks. He has received several awards and has been the organizer, chair, TPC, and tutorial lecturer for several renowned international conferences. He is the General Chair of the ISWCS 2019 and the General Co-Chair of the 1st 6G Summit, Levi 2019, and ISWCS 2021, and PIRMC 2021 Track 1 Chair. 

Research interests

Hirley Alves, Assoc. Prof

6G Flagship, CWC

University of Oulu 

email: firstname.lastname (at) oulu (dot) fi 

Activities & News! 

Book: Satellite IoT

Integrating Machine-Type-Communication (MTC) and Satellites for IoT: Towards 6G

This book addresses integrating machine-type communications (MTC) and satellite communication toward 6G.

More details at https://www.satelliteiot.org/ 

Wiley/IEEE Press. Coming soon. July 2024 (pre-order Amazon)

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