
The Ohio State University Marion

PHILOS 1100 Introduction to Philosophy

PHILOS 1300 Introduction to Ethics

PHILOS 1332 Introduction to Engineering Ethics (x2)

PHILOS 1338 Introduction to Computer Ethics and Effective Presentation

University of Colorado Boulder

BCOR 2302 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (x4)

PHIL 2220 Philosophy and Race (x4)

PHIL 1160 Introduction to Medical Ethics (x2) 

​PHIL 1600 Philosophy and Religion 

Auburn University

PHIL 1060 Philosophy East and West (x8) 

PHIL 1030 Ethics and the Health Science (x12) 

PHIL 1080 Introduction to Philosophy of Religion (x4)

PHIL 1040 Business Ethics (x16) 

University of Massachusetts Amherst

PHIL 336 Existential Philosophy (x2)

PHIL 164 Medical Ethics (x3)

PHIL 160 Introduction to Ethics (x3) 

PHIL 110 Introduction to Logic 

Teaching Portfolio

CU Version (pdf)

Auburn Version (pdf)