
Forthcoming Why People Who Believe in God Fear Death Analysis (link)

Forthcoming. Against Adoption Based Objections to Procreation Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (link)

Forthcoming. The Relevance of Belief Outsourcing to Whether Arguments Can Change Minds Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society (link)

Forthcoming. Strawsonian Hard Determinism Journal of Philosophy (link)

Forthcoming. Algorithm Evaluation Without Autonomy AI & Ethics (link)

Forthcoming. Against the Double Standard Argument in AI Ethics Philosophy & Technology (link)

Forthcoming. Gaslighting and Peer Disagreement Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (link)

Forthcoming. Error Theories and Bare-Difference Methodology: A Reply to Kopeikin Journal of Value Inquiry (link)

2022. Substantive Disagreement in the Le Monde Debate and Beyond: Replies to Duetz and Dentith, Basham, and Hewitt Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 11 (11): 18-25 (link)

2022. The Role of Stereotypes in Theorizing about Conspiracy Theories: A Reply to Dentith Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 11 (8): 93-99 (link)

2022. A Revised Defense of the Le Monde Group Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 11 (8): 18-26 (link)

2022. Modal Realism is a Newcomb Problem Erkenntnis 87: 2993-3005 (link)

2022. Why God Allows Undeserved Horrendous Evil Religious Studies 58: 772-786 (link) Zac Sechler interviews me about the paper here

2022. Adjuncts Are Exploited Philosophia 50: 1153-1173 (with Justin Klocksiem) (link)

2021. Virtue Signalling and the Condorcet Jury Theorem Synthese 199: 14821-14841 (with Renaud-Philippe Garner) (link)

2021. MIT's Moral Machine Project is a Psychological Roadblock to Self-Driving Cars AI and Ethics 1: 151-155 (with Heidi Furey) (link)

2020. Why Do We Believe Humans Matter More than Other Animals Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 2 : 272-278 (with Michael Bertrand) (link)

2020. What Are the Odds that Everyone is Depraved? American Philosophical Quarterly 57:  299-308 (link)

2020. Animals Deserve Moral Consideration Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 33: 177-85 (link)

2018. Murdering an Accident Victim: A New Objection to the Bare-Difference Argument. Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96: 767-778 (link)

2018. Aquinas and Gregory the Great on the Puzzle of Petitionary Prayer. Ergo 5: 407-18 (link)

2016. From Isolation to Skepticism. Erkenntnis 81: 649-68 (link)

2014. Giving up Omnipotence. 2014. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 44: 97-117 (link)

2011. An Adamsian Theory of Intrinsic Value. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 14:273-89

2010. Richard Joyce’s New Objections to the Divine Command Theory. Journal of Religious Ethics 38:189-96

2009. Good News for the Logical Autonomy of Ethics. Argumentation 23: 277-83

2009. Haybron on Mood Propensity and Happiness. Journal of Happiness Studies 10: 215-28

2008. ‘Is’-‘Ought’ Derivations and Ethical Taxonomies. Philosophia 36: 545-66