Join Us!

Please contact One of our Coaches to become a member of the Hillsboro Water Polo Club.

Water Polo is a high intensity team sport where each team tries to shoot a ball past a goalie and into the opponents goal.  The basic rules include using only one hand to handle the ball and staying off the bottom of the pool.  The ball is passed from player to player and players can also swim with the ball (dribbling).

The sport requires swimming, conditioning, ball handling, teamwork, and endurance.  There are no prerequisites to join the team other than having an up to date sports physical and insurance paper work turned in to the Hillsboro High School athletics office.  It is highly recommended that you should be able to swim 100 yards without stopping. 

Season Information

See Calendar for Practice and Game Schedule


You cannot practice until the participation form and physical are turned in!

The rest of the forms must be turned in during the first week of practice.

Your activity fee must be paid by the first day of school.

1. Participation is online now!!!

If you don't have an account create one here:

Before you start you'll need: 

Register for Water Polo here:

2. Physical

Go to the OSAA website and get the latest Physical From: 

Freshmen and juniors must complete a physical with your doctor. 

Seniors and sophomores need a physical if they do not have one on file from the previous year. 

Please turn the physical form in to the Athletic Office at school before the first day of practice or to a coach on the first day of practice.  

3. Player & Parent Contracts

All players with their parents or legal guardians need to fill out this form during the first week of practice.

Online Form: Player & Parent Contracts

4. Student Driver

If you plan on driving yourself to games, you and your parents must complete this form and turn it in to a coach during the first week of practice: Student Driver Form 

Online Form: Student Driver Form 

5.Alternate Transportation Release

This form is required to allow our players to carpool to games since we don’t always ride a bus.

All players and their parents need to sign and return this form to a coach during the first week of practice: Alternate Transportation Release Form

Online Form: Alternate Transportation Release Form

6. Sports Activity Fee: Please pay the sports activity fee of $210 to the bookkeeper in the main office.  

This is due by the first week of school unless payment arrangements are made with Coach Cam.  Payment assistance is available; ask Coach Cam for information.

7. Concussion Acknowledgment

With Oregon's new law SB 721 (a.k.a. Jenna's Law), not only are Coaches and Officials required to be aware of concussion symptoms and procedures, but parents and players too.  The OHSWPC requires that the following documents from the Center of Disease Control (CDC) be read by both parents and players: 

Parent/Athlete Concussion Information Sheet

CDC Heads Up: Fact Sheet for Players, Fact Sheet for Parents

Online Form: Parent/Student Acknowledgment of Concussion Guidelines and Materials