Hill Climber AR Privacy Policy

Hill Climb AR Does Not Save Personal Or Other Data And All Data Collected Is Anonymous.

Hill Climb AR respects your privacy rights and recognizes the importance of protecting your personal information (or "personal data"). Our Privacy Notice describes in detail the collection of data and the parties involved in this process, As well as the reasoning behind every permission required to experience the game fully.

We also try to minimize data required and categorize age groups appropriately.

Hill Climb AR is not special or unique or innovative in its data collection, the collection of ad data is standard ad data collection provided by 3rd party plugins provided by ironsource ad mediation tool.

Personal Data (Age Group):

Hill Climb AR is not special or unique or innovative in its data collection, the age group required is due to developers intent to improve ads by showing more age appropriate ads by sending your age group to the ad provider "Iron Source".

Mediation tool IronSource Privacy policy here

Ad Provider AppLovin here

Ad Provider Unity Ads here

Ad Provider AdColony here

"Note: Additional Ad Providers maybe added"

Ad Data:

Hill Climb AR is not special or unique or innovative in its data collection, the collection of ad data is standard ad data collection provided by 3rd party plugins provided by ironsource ad mediation tool.

Mediation tool IronSource Privacy policy here

Ad Provider AppLovin here

Ad Provider Unity Ads here

Ad Provider AdColony here

"Note: Additional Ad Providers maybe added"

Statistical In Game Analysis Data:

Hill Climb AR Collects the following data while keeping you ("The player") Anonymous.

  • Gameplay Data such as which levels are played more, cars played and more in game analysis while keeping players anonymous, the goal is improve gameplay and determine which upgrades has priority and which parts of the work need more attention.

  • User interaction with buttons and in game actions taken are sent to analytics tool, while keeping players anonymous and preserving maximum possible privacy while keeping functionality.

  • The tool used to collect analytical data is ("Unity Analytics") and its privacy policy can be found here.

"Note: for more in depth details please contact developer"

Camera Permission:

Hill Climb AR needs Camera Permission for AR Functionality to allow augmented reality gameplay, as camera is essential part of AR functionality in any AR application.

Hill Climb AR Does NOT Collect Or Use Any Of Your Camera Data except to run the AR functionality!

Data Access:

Hill Climb AR is designed and developed by single developer, No one has access to your data except me and I keep your data collected to the absolute minimum, anonymous and private, your data will NOT be shared with anyone.