The story of Jeeo Shaan Se revolves around two young college students, Kishan (Vikash Bhalla) and Govinda (Jay Mehta), who are led astray by the notion of free sex and are deeply involved in promiscuity. They freely play with innocent girls' virginity and publicly flaunt their intentions. The story takes a different turn when Kishan meets Radha (Shakshi Shivanad), who tries to correct his lustful activities. But his old habit returns in the company of his friend Govinda. Govinda, on the other hand is attracted to Sapna, but she turns out to be different from others of his abused girls and does not give in to his sexual advances. Instead, he falls in love with Anamika (Shiba), only to find later that she is a whore. Enter another character, Gopala (Ayub Khan), who is also a friend of Govinda and Kishan, and loves Kiran (Monica Bedi), but she does not consider him to be her ideal partner. The story then takes a serious note as the three friends try to prove themselves worthy of the girls and win their hearts by changing their ways.[5]

The story of Jeeo Shaan Se revolves around two young college students, Kishan, and Govinda, who are led astray by the notion of free sex and are deeply involved in promiscuity. They freely play with innocent girls virginity and publicly flaunt their intentions. The story takes a different turn when Kishan meets Radha. He tries to correct his lustful activities. But his old habit returns in the company of his friend Govinda.

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Shaan sat there in resentful silence. Over the course of five sessions, I watched Shaan and Maya make some classic mistakes that erode a relationship, irrespective of which personality shape you are. They did this without realising that these mistakes were not helping them meet their needs and were instead shutting the other person down.

Every time Maya criticised him, Shaan refused to engage in an open conversation. He would attack her back in an attempt to shut her down and gain the upper hand. This led to a vicious cycle of mudslinging, withdrawal, anger and helplessness.

The goal is to understand what went wrong, be willing to listen with an open heart and make your next conversation more constructive. This willingness to repair any hurts or wounds creates a closer emotional bond between two people.

Shaan and Maya learnt to repair their minor emotional injuries, and avoided creating baggage of unresolved anger or pain. What matters the most to them is to make an attempt to reconnect and repair after a tough conversation. Otherwise, a couple can end up with layers of pain and resentment from years of unresolved conflicts. be457b7860

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