GEMFind is a web3.0 project that provide detail and comprehensive information of all game-fi projects among different blockchain. GEMFind is a solution of flooding scam projects among game-fi market. It provide an authentic system to certify and give credit to those game-fi projects which are really exist. It encourages development team to create legit game-fi project and provide authentic information for gamers. GEMFind is literally a game changer in this new born market.

This is category page. Users can search games by choosing categories. Users can also sort games by different blockchains

This is ranking page. It shows the top rated games in the platform. Users can sort the games by many aspects like rating, categories, token price and blockchain.

This is Profile page of GEMFind users. Users can browse their saved games, check notifcation and claim rewards here.

This is article page. Users can read articles to get the latest information in game-fi industry


I also created the visual of GEMtoken and GEMpoint, which is the currency and rewarding points would be used in GEMFind.

When users get active in the platform (rate and comment on games repeatedly) Their account would get higher level and receive a rare badge. The badges would be shown on the user’s icon. 

I am so honored to be part of this project as an ux/ui designer. Although this project cannot be launch because of the hurricane happened in the crypto market in 2022, I have done the first round mock up of GEMFind website. And I think it is still worth-sharing as I put a lot of work in this projects