
Draw-N-Label is an application that allows users to annotate images using labels or drawings on their iPhone or iPad.


  • Take photos.
  • Draw on a photo.
  • Write text on a photo (up to three separate times).
  • Save photos inside the app or your photo library.
  • Import photos from your photo library to use in the app.
  • Apply Filters to photos.


AnatomyShare is an iPad application that promotes collaborative learning in the medical school gross anatomy dissection laboratory. As they perform dissection from week to week, users are able to post images of their findings and share them with their peers. Be it a perfectly dissected set of internal iliac artery branches, a specific branching variant in the brachial plexus, or a calcified aortic valve, users in a given lab group are able to tag their posts as model features, anomalies, or pathologies, and encourage their peers to expand learning beyond their assigned specimen. AnatomyShare thus encourages students to engage in dissection beyond the simple task of identifying anatomical structures on their own specimen - it prompts them to continually assess their findings, discover correlations between anatomy and clinical practice, and examine findings from multiple specimens to appreciate the incredible anatomical diversity of the human body.

This application is currently being piloted at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.


  • NewsFeed: The NewsFeed displays a constant feed of recent posts from other users. Users can "Like" or comment on all posts.
  • Create Post: This allows users to post an image of the cadaveric specimen assigned to their Table group. After taking the photo, users tag the image with their Table group, a Category (Model Features, Anomalies, Pathologies), and a Region (Thorax and Abdomen, Head and Neck, Lower Limb, Upper Limb, etc.) Users then also include a description of the image that will be searchable by other users (see: Search).
  • Table Profiles: Each Table Profile includes a description (age, cause of death) of the cadaveric specimen assigned to that Table, the names of users who are assigned to that specimen and Table, and displays all images of this specimen posted by users. Moreover, users are able to filter posts within the Table Profile by Category and by Region.
  • Search: This feature allows users to search within the image descriptions of all posts in the database. Filters also enable users to search within a specific Category or Region. This makes it more efficient to find all images of a given anatomical structure.
  • User Profile: This page allows a logged in user to view their activity. Data included: all posts a user has created, the number of posts created, the number of "likes" the user has executed, and the number of comments the user has written.