Adrian Villanueva


This portfolio will include a collection of some traditional and digital drawings, sketches, and finished pieces. The beginning of my art journey happened in 7th grade later on taking numerous art classes intro to art 1-2, drawing and painting 1-2 to 3-4, photography 1-2, ceramics 1-2 and 3-4, profile drawing, painting and printmaking 1 and 2.

2 Digital drawings practicing color and background

Lighting and color practice

In this drawing I was practicing lighting and playing with layers 

      Trying different style art

This piece was inspired by a theory I had of my art teacher being a plant. Unfortunately never fished but still liked how it looks with the simple shapes.

Sphere shading practice study

This is a page dedicated to shading a sphere as practice. What I struggle with is light but it slowly improved

Printmaking with objects practice

Had to use simple items and an ink pad to make an image or drawing. This one is made by cutting out pieces of foam and a black ink pad using my friend as a reference

Anatomy shapes practice

These 2 pages are just trying to practice shapes and anatomy.

2 Piece project

This project is a 2 piece one the first one is a white color pencil on black paper with a bunch of small items laid out. For the second drawing, I decided to do color to have contrast and chose to use the pills from the first drawing to have the connected just adding a bottle to fill out the space

Sherman the sheep

This painting was the piece That was submitted in the "too much" art exbibit at ASU west. Naturally thinking people tend to think of the negative aspects of "too much". This wasn't my original planned idea, the original had me stressed, and then as a joke thought what if I paint Sherman the sheep coming out of the clouds in the sky welcoming you? This was the first painting I loved and seeing it on display was amazing 

2 Colored traditional sketch book drawings

These were the only colored drawings I could find in my sketchbook which makes me realize I have to do more traditional art.

Art seal processes

1st Image - 5 hours 25 minutes

2nd Image - 8  hours 13 minutes

Final -11 hours 47 minutes