Food, glorious food

Hosting a spaghetti/team dinner or providing after-meet bagels is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL!  

Families are encouraged to team up to host or bring bagels. 

SIGNUP Spreadsheet to volunteer for team dinners & post-meet snacks


The night before a meet, families may host a "spag dinner". It's not a leisurely affair, as swimmers and divers tend to have homework and other things to do. They gather at a Trojan's home (or sometimes out---Davani's, etc) for a quick meal and laughs, starting right after a short practice (around 6 pm).

A sample dinner might entail 4-5 lbs. of pasta, 3 large jars (67 oz.) sauce, 4 large bags meatballs, 3 long loaves bread, veggies (carrots, peppers, a salad perhaps), cookies, 1-2 gallons of chocolate milk and a couple of half gallons of juice (Dole blends are a favorite).


The boys are hungry after a weekday meet, and then they need to ride the bus before they go home for dinner. To hold them over, parents have graciously provided healthy snacks (bagels, fruit, chocolate milk). Each Trojan will eat a bagel and cream cheese. It would be great to also have bananas, clementines, yogurt squeeze tubes, or applesauce squeezes. Individual chocolate milk has also been great. 

What kind of bagels have been provided in the past? ~24 bagels (plain, blueberry, cinnamon and sugar, asiago) with plain cream cheese.

Where to get bagels (feel free to go elsewhere too):