When Considering New Construction, Energy Efficient Building Construction Is Essential

It can be difficult to design and build an efficient home. Energy efficient new construction, regardless of the architectural style or design option, requires a tight-sealed thermal environment with a high R value and controlled ventilation. This will result in lower heating and cooling costs. The thermal envelope is everything that surrounds a house to protect it from the elements. This includes walls, roof assemblies, insulation, doors, windows, weather stripping, finishes and air adaptor retardants.

Advanced alternatives to traditional wood stud walls and roof assemblies can be used to improve the thermal envelope of a house. High insulation R-values are required by most building codes for energy efficient houses. A North-eastern U.S. house might have R-11 fiberglass insulation on its exterior walls, R-19 in its ceiling and R-19 in its foundation walls. Floors and foundation walls might not be insulated. If a similar house is well-designed and built, it would have R-20 to R-30 insulation in its walls and foundation insulation and R-50 to R-60 ceiling insulation.

Modern technological advancements in building materials, construction techniques, and advanced heating and cooling system can all be integrated into any house design, without compromising aesthetics or comfort. Insulated Concrete Form (ICF), is the state-of-the art technique. Building Firm is made up of two layers extruded expanded plastic styrene foam (EPS) that act as concrete wall forms for a concrete center poured with steel reinforcement. Although the foam forms cannot be manufactured to the exact dimensions of a building, they can be easily cut to fit each house's design.

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Highland Construction Fayetteville

1409 Clinton Road, Fayetteville, NC 28312, United States

(910) 485-6738

(877) 371-1641