2019 and Onwards


May 2021--

A) Covid Basics

  1. Covid prognosis and detection tests usage [PIC & ARTICLE]

  2. SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) Infection Process (INTRO) [VIDEO]

  3. SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) Infection Process [VIDEO] [PIC & ARTICLE]

  4. SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein & Angiotensin & ACE [PIC]

  5. Vaccine Efficacy [ARTICLE; VIDEO]

B) Covid Dynamics

  1. SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed, and integrated into human DNA

  2. SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induces abnormal inflammatory blood clots [ARTICLE]

C) Covid 'Vaccines' Controversies

  1. Jab Clinical Trials

    1. Truncated Jab Development Duration

      1. Comparing usual vs covid jab clinical trials duration [PICS] [ARTICLE]

      2. Vaccine development duration for other viruses [PIC]

    2. Clinical Trial Results

      1. Data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial BMJ [ARTICLE] [ARTICLE]

      2. Acute myopericarditis in mouse model [ARTICLE]

      3. Suppressed reporting of death in trials [ARTICLE]

  2. COVID Cases increases with population vaccinated?

    1. Natural Selection [PIC]

    2. Will Covid vaccination make one susceptible to evolving Covid variants of concern (VOC) [VIDEO]?

      1. Original antigenic sin [ARTICLE] [PIC]

      2. Antibody Dependent Enhancement [PIC] [ARTICLE]

  3. Vaccine Safety Concerns [VIDEO]

    1. 34 Deaths within 72 Hrs Post-Vaccination in Singapore 1 February 2021-30 June 2021 [ARTICLE]

    2. AAV triggers HIV infection [ARTICLE]

    3. AIDS have developed in Fully Vaccinated Elderly & Vulnerable and the young (Fr UK Government data) [ARTICLE]

    4. Cost [Injuries + Death] outweigh Benefits [SLIDES] [VIDEO] [ARTICLE]

    5. Discussion among FDA, Pfizer, and non-vested Experts on Booster dose for 16 years of age and older [VIDEO]

    6. Explosive rise in stillbirths in Canada and Scotland after mass vaccination [ARTICLE]

    7. Jabbed pilots affected Mid-Flight [ARTICLE] [VIDEO]

    8. Immune-mediated hepatitis with the Moderna vaccine, no longer a coincidence but confirmed [ARTICLE]

    9. Increased emergency cardiovascular events among under-40 population in Israel during vaccine rollout and third COVID-19 wave [ARTICLE]

    10. Not publishing findings over concerned in losing research money [VIDEO]

    11. Reverse transcription of mRNA in jab can change genome in human liver cells [ARTICLE]

    12. Spike proteins trigger prion-like neurodegenerative effects [ARTICLE]

    13. Testimonials of Negative Vaccine Experiences [Charlene and Yvonne]

    14. Why Singaporean Christian Dr refuses jab [ARTICLE]

    15. Young athletes death from vaccine [COMPILATION]

    16. Dangerous Adjuvants in Vaccine?

      1. Graphene Oxide

      2. GO and other Metals in vaccine [ARTICLE] [VIDEO]

      3. Graphene hydroxide [ARTICLE]

    17. Unknown Substances in Vaccine/

      1. Four Parasites Found in Pfizer and Moderna Vials and “Vaccinated” Blood Samples [VIDEO]

      2. Circuit-like structures found in jab vials [ARTICLE AND VIDEO]

      3. Circuit-like structures found in jab vials. Interview with Senator Malcolm Roberts [VIDEO]

D) Other Explored Covid Prevention & Treatments

  1. Ivermectin

  1. Mechanism [PIC] [ARTICLE]

  2. Efficacy

    1. Global Statistics [ARTICLE]

  3. Safe and Low-cost

    1. https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/Fulltext/2021/08000/Ivermectin_for_Prevention_and_Treatment_of.7.aspx

    2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8088823/

  4. Guidelines for Prophylaxis and Treatment (FLCCC)

  5. Stand of Religious Groups [Christians]

  6. Detox from covid 'vaccine' [SLIDES]

  7. Case Studies

    1. India

      1. Date of IVM introduction coincides with Covid decline [ARTICLE] [GRAPH]

    2. Indonesia

      1. Date of IVM introduction coincides with Covid decline [ARTICLE] [GRAPH]

    3. Japan

      1. Date of IVM introduction coincides with Covid decline [ARTICLE] [GRAPH]

    4. Other countries that have adopted IVM [ARTICLE] [PIC]

E) Covid Political Controversies

  1. The International Common Law Court Of Justice: Big Pharma, Government, Church Leaders Face Arrest As Court Convicts Them Of Genocide, Prohibits Injections [ARTICLE]

  2. Clandestine control of Public and International Agencies

  3. Christian Epidemiologist Perspectives on COVID19 and Masks [ARTICLE]

  4. Singapore Dream Disillusioned from Covid Jab [ARTICLE]

  5. Officials: Most Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in New Jersey Admitted for Non-COVID Reasons [ARTICLE]

  6. Was Covid19 virus artificially synthesized? [ARTICLE] [ARTICLE + VIDEO]

  7. Key Questions to Ask before Inncoulation

  8. Singapore COVID-19 Vaccine rules breaks Nuremburg code

  9. Unusually low % vaccination among staff of CDC, FDA, and White House? [Video]

  10. Are affluent personnel (e.g. National leaders) really vaccinated? [FAKE vs REAL]

  11. Withstand Pressures by your School and Workplace for Vaccination

  12. Concerns by 12 Singapore Doctor's on vaccinating children

  13. Why healthcare workers including doctors decline vaccination

  14. Public Healthcare Authorities warped research findings to public, on covid vaccine safety to pregnancy. Letter by concerned public and parents:

Letter To Prof Ben 7 Jul 2021_Vaccine danger to Pregnancy.pdf

Sep 2020

Jun 2020

Drug Addiction-Treatment-Nicotine vaccine.pdf

Addiction Mechanism and Treatment

  • How does addiction work?

  • Is there a vaccine to cure smoking addiction?

APR 2020

AUG 2019

Original Antigenic Sin?

MAY 2019

Using ultrasound to treat Autoimmune Disorder

APR 2019

Applications of various types of ELISA, along with their strengths and shortcomings

MAR 2019


Problem with the holiday flu vaccines...and a possible solution


SEP 2019

  • A fetus can absorb the dead twin

  • Siring your younger sibling?

  • Tissue transfusion issue

  • DNA profiling studies are challenged

MAR 2019

Researchers hope that procedure could restore fertility to human boys undergoing cancer treatment


JUL 2019

Sugary Cancer

High sugar intake causes cancer?

Cold War against Cancer?

Cryotherapy kill by freezing cancer tissue

JUN 2019

Power of using Patients to teach medical students

APR 2019

How DNA adducts can come about from BBQ feasting


AUG 2019

Bacterial Cell Genetically Engineered against Phage_SciAm_Jul 19.pdf

The Invincible Cell?


APR 2020



JUL 2019

NAD: Anti-Aging or Cancer Causing?


SEP 2020

Long-Term Potentiation and Memory

  • AMPA and NMDA roles in Short-Term & Long-Term Potentiation

MAR 2020

Different states of Consciousness

NOV 2019

Batten Disease_N of 1 Drug [Cont'd by AX.E]

  • Splicing went wrong

SEP 2019

AUG 2019

Solving Alzheimer's...

JUN 2019

Hypofunctional TKR accounts for absence of Pain


AUG 2019

Shoes - Boon or Bane?

JUL 2019


APR 2019

Technology explores how air-conditioning can be used to sequester CO2 into fuel