

AREA: 600 m^2

The design requirements for the Library Learning Centre, Classrooms, and IT Suites at High Storrs School demand a meticulous approach to ensure the functionality, sustainability, and alignment with the school's ethos. Within the 600 square meters allocated, the layout must be optimized for efficiency, offering designated zones for reading, group study, digital research, and instruction, all while maintaining flexibility to adapt to varying teaching and learning styles. Accessibility is paramount, with a focus on inclusivity for students of all abilities. Technological integration is key, necessitating state-of-the-art equipment in the IT Suites and classrooms, seamlessly incorporating interactive whiteboards, computers, and high-speed internet connectivity. Natural light and ventilation are prioritized for a comfortable and stimulating environment, complemented by sustainable design practices such as energy-efficient lighting and materials. Acoustic considerations ensure minimal noise disruption, while ample storage solutions cater to organizational needs. Safety and security features are paramount, complementing the aesthetic harmony that respects the historical character of the Grade II listed main building. In meeting these requirements, the design aims to not only provide functional and inspiring spaces but also reflect the core values and priorities of High Storrs School.