The point I was (badly) trying to make was that I doubted there would be any visible difference after jpg compression had taken its toll on image quality and that the up scaling in the TV may actually make for a sharper image at that size. Of course that all depends on the original resolution of the images, the type of compression applied and whether they have been resized.

These days there is little need to reduce quality to fit more shots on the sd card as large capacity cards are inexpensive. That said I take your point. I hope that kodi keeps pushing for the highest quality media. Flac files in music and uhd in video so why not 4k photos. If the developers start relying on upscaling why not let the tv upscale the videos too. I will keep hoping.

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Sure, if you let the software manipulate the PPI value for you by automatically determining the value based on the number of pixels the the output size you specify, then your value is not taken into consideration.

PRINT_SIZE (in inches) = PIXEL_SIZE (in pixels) / PPI (pixels per inch)

Manipulate that expression any way you would like - that does not, however, change the fact that the PPI value determines the physical size of the print based on how many pixels there are and the PPI value. Your use of other software to automatically manipulate the PPI value for you is just a different way of changing the PPI value to get the print size you want.

PPI does not change how an image is displayed on a display, unless the user chooses to view at "Print Size" (Photoshop, View > Print Size) or a similar mode, where the physical size of the displayed image will be shown at the physical dimensions of, for example, the print output (within the limits of the physical size of the display) - that is, you can take a ruler and measure the length of the displayed image edge, and it should correspond to the length of the printed image in that special display mode (see attached photo taken with my iPhone of my display). The display pixel density needs to be specified or detected automatically by the software to achieve this view mode.

You can figure out the display density by taking the number of pixels in a row of the display and dividing that value by the physical length of the edge of the display area, in inches, for example. My Eizo display measures 20.4 inches along the long edge, and its pixel resolution in this dimension is 1920 pixels. The pixel density is 1920 px / 20.4 in = 94 PPI. This value can be entered into the preferences of a specific application, if supported, to view "Print Size."

The "Zoom Level" is used to change the display of an image on a display - typically "100%" means one image pixel occupies one display pixel at native display resolution - however, applications on Retina and other highDPI displays may scale images so that one image pixel occupies more than one display pixel at 100%. 


The GTEx image viewer allows users to access high quality image files to assess relative percentages of target tissues in different aliquots. Theimage here shows a well-preserved aliquot of normal gastric mucosa.

Image Viewer is an online image viewing platform that offers a convenient way to access a collection of high-quality images in popular single-page and multi-page formats including PDF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, RAW and more.

Excire Foto is a powerful image viewer app for Windows OS. It is designed for easy photo management and quick content-based browsing. Excire tool also helps you to quickly find the photos you are looking for.

XnView is a free image viewer that enables users to open and make changes in photos easily. This Windows photo viewer supports JPEG, TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), PNG, PSD (Photoshop Document), GIF, etc.

FastStone Image Viewer is an image viewer for Windows 10. It supports numerous different image formats. It is one of the best image viewer tool which allows you to view photos in a variety of ways, like full screen, thumbnails, etc.

Nomacs is a free and open-source image viewer that supports multiple platforms. It is one of the best photo viewers for Windows 10 that helps you to view all common image formats, including PSD and RAW files. It displays additional information like thumbnails, metadata, and histogram.

DigiKam is an open-source, free image viewer and tag editor in C++. This tool can work with Operating systems like Linux, Windows, and even macOS. This Windows image viewer contains tools that can be used for importing, managing, editing, and sharing photos.

Processing usually means that the image is resampled at lower resolution along 3 axes. This processing is done to reduce data size and make image reviewing more convenient in 2D image viewers, but it may remove some details from the image and prevent high-resolution 3D reconstruction.

I used Word 2007 to create a PDF file with an 1526px * 900px image filling a whole page. This is not the first time it's happened, but Google Docs PDF viewer absolutely mangles the colour rendering making it unusable.

In Chrome you can select "Print" and then "Save as PDF". The image quality in the saved PDF file will go up significantly, compared to the one from "Download as PDF". Google seems to be optimizing images to preserve bandwidth.

Perhaps the attached pair of images will help towards clarifying what is happening with color in images that are rendered through the Google Docs pdf viewer. I inserted the Wikipedia image RGB_Color_Solid_Cube (1024*1024 pixels) into an otherwise empty Google Docs text document, converted it to pdf, and viewed the resulting pdf files two ways: once through the Google Docs+Drive pdf viewer and once through the regular pdf viewer of the Chrome or Firefox browser. Then I made screenshots. Here is the RGB Color Cube via the Docs PDF Viewer and here is the RGB Color Cube via a regular browser PDF Viewer.

JPG Quality is another way of talking about how highly compressed an image is when stored. Each program has it's own way of measuring compression, or quality. Photoshop uses a scale of 1-12 and names a few of them: Photoshop calls 10 Maximum, 8 High, 5 Medium, and 3 Low. As you see FastStone uses a scale of 1-100. Original, best quality, images from one of my cameras have a quality of 98 on this scale. The table below shows the file sizes of a single image saved at different Quality settings using Photoshop and FastStone:

Bottom Line: I never use a quality of less than 60 in FastStone. On medium size images I can start to see compression artifacts with quality of 55 or less. On small images I can sometimes see them with a quality of 60, so that's why I usually go with 70 when I want fairly highly compressed, but still good looking, images.

FastStone can batch convert RAW files to give you JPGs for viewing. (Currently I use Nikon Capture NX2, but it's a lot more expensive than FastStone; there are also other good RAW converters including Bibble, which I use to use, and Adobe Bridge.) If you do use FastStone for batch RAW conversion you might want to consider the high quality color option ... since I don't use this feature, I can't say if it's worth the extra time or not. If you do some tests, let me know the results.

To get 3d models running smoothly on standalone Quest, especially with high quality retail spaces, fixtures and clothes, in general the Quest needs the 3d scene to be made in some way. It works like this when using UnrealEngine and building for stand alone Quest but I expect the SketchUp Quest viewer will benefit similarly - maybe @Aristodimos can give a reaction and/or some more tips;

I'm using Windows 11. Actually I also printed some from Windows 10, but that was on higher quality paper. With my Windows 11, I finally got a really good print on plain cardstock (maybe even better than this Epson print). I kept playing with the printer settings. I did find out I have to use different settings for a photo like the one I shared than what I use with a drawing-type pic. I print background paper to use to make cards, and I print lots of florals. I'm a bit confused why a photo and a floral drawing (which almost looks like a photo) take different settings. So for this photo printing on regular cardstock, I went into "Options/Printer Properties" and chose "Plain Paper/ High Quality". Then I clicked on the Main tab at the top and went to the "Manual Color/Intensity section... There I chose to increase the "Contrast" to +30. For my own personal preference I also changed the "Yellow" to -10. Then when I was sure of the settings I wanted, I went back to the "Quick Setup" tab and saved my settings under a name I would remember. For the Floral Drawing prints, I used "Inkjet Greeting Card/High" settings, with the "Contrast" at +30, and the "Yellow" at -20. That seemed to work best for what I was printing. When I printed on Epson Presentation Paper that I already had, which was from Windows 10, I used "High Resolution Paper/High", with a "Contrast" of +30. I may have went into the "Print Quality" on that tab and changed it to "Custom/High 2". That was for Christmas drawings of gnomes and snowmen... so definitely more of a drawing. Anyway, that's how I got better prints by just playing with the settings. It really threw me off that the different types of prints required different settings even though they were on the same cardstock. Hope this helps you some. can render images up to 8K in resolution or 42 megapixels and supports high-res images in over 100 RAW image formats, including Fujifilm, Canon, Nikon, Panasonic, and Sony in-app, powered by Adobe Camera RAW.

With high performance and an intuitive interactive user interface, OsiriX is the most widely used DICOM viewer in the world. It is the result of more than 17 years of research and development in digital imaging. It fully supports the DICOM standard for an easy integration in your workflow environment and an open platform for development of processing tools. It offers advanced post-processing techniques in 2D and 3D, exclusive innovative technique for 3D and 4D navigation and a complete integration with any PACS. OsiriX supports 64-bit computing and multithreading for the best performances on the most modern processors. OsiriX MD, the commercial version, is certified for medical use (FDA cleared and CE II labeled). 2351a5e196

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