I am currently on my 4th unit - each one has after 3 developed a relatively loud high pitch buzzing noise, that I think can most accurately be described as comparable to the sound a cicada (more like 1,000 cicadas) makes. I use the purifier as a fan/humidifier overnight night in my bedroom, and the sound occasionally becomes loud enough to wake me up. It is most definitely not normal operation, because the fan makes an acceptable amount of noise for several weeks up to a few months before it starts happening.

Yesterday my TP07 started doing the high-pitched whistle after one year. I installed a new filter (not needed, but I did) and cleaned it thoroughly; and it stopped for about a day, then the sounds started again.

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Hi, I have brand new Prusa i3 MK3s (which I built from the kit). And while printing (in the stealth mode) there is a (really annoying) high pitched noise coming from the extruder, somewhere between 16kHz and 20 kHz (see attached image). It is NOT coming from the fans, when I stop them the noise is still there unchanged.

The audio in the following screenshots was _NOT_ recorded under the 100% exact the same conditions, however it is very close to it. The second screenshot also shows average rates from the samples, and the first one the realtime one. First one had more noise in the lower frequencies, but the higher ones are the same (i.e. not a lot of external factors).

After, with the moons' motor. Keep in mind some of the higher frequencies come from other motors that are moving, as well as the PSU. But on my printer the extruder one was significantly louder in higher frequencies than others. Since I have 2 more moons' motors, I'll probably replace another 2.


I know it's an old topic, but maybe someone is also searching for how to resolve high-pitched noise. 

In my case, it was indeed current flow via extruder motor. I turned on E-cool mode from the experimental menu and the noise disappeared almost completely (hearable only during retraction, so probably also could be tuned) ( -menu-mk3-s-_161213). 


I'm using an Arduino Leonardo, I bought it form Conrad from Germany, (I am not German). It's brand new and it works fine, but when I use an external supply(tried 12v switching and not switching and 9v not switching supply), everything is good, but the regulator heats up(a little) and it makes a high pitched whistling noise, Once I put load on the Arduino, it gets higher pitch and It goes away after a certain point of load is reached.... Is that normal, or what do I do?

Got my Fenix 6s Sapphire in April and use the Backbeat fit wireless headphones. All worked perfectly for a few months. Suddenly all km audio prompts were announced with an awful whistle sound. Button press, phone notifications were similar but not so loud. Put up with this for a week assuming it was a headphone problem and then on a run the headphones just stopped working completely.

Purchased a 6 Sapphire in December 2020 and have updated with every SW release including betas. I've used Bose Free and Bose Sports (both true wireless) and have not experienced the painful tone on a lap notification as described by OP. The tone is certainly a high pitch, but not painful. At least not to my old ears.

I just purchased probably my fifth Canon MP25DV over the last few years and this one is emitting a almost constant high pitch noise which is very annoying. None of my other adding machines have ever done this. It's going back to Staples tomorrow. Has anyone else had an adding machine that has done this?

This is my favorite calculator and have used this model for years! I am returning this new one TODAY because of the high pitch noise it emits when it goes into sleep mode. 1st I do not need a 7 minute sleep mode setting. I get interrupted constantly and this is a total PAIN!

Completely agree. Love the touch of this model but the sleep mode is unneeded. Worse yet, is that the sleep mode activates the high pitch squealing sound that's loud enough to drive one mad. It didn't make this sound for about a year plus after purchase so it's past warranty.

I have Canon MP11DX and this is my 4th one like this. I love this machine, however, this high pitched squeel has got to go or the Canon is out of here. Mine is past warranty too. If I can't get an answer and solution to this problem, the next time I'm out, I'm getting another brand.

The high pitched noise could be due to a variety of factors, including an electrical issue or a mechanical problem within the device. Here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try before returning it to Staples:

I have tried all of your ideas and I get no changes. It's a malfunction in the calculator no doubt. I say this because I can turn it off, it still has the high pitched sound. However, when I turn it on to the first right, it stops. I can then turn it all the way to print and within 10 minutes we've got the whistle again. It's getting on my nerves and I can't keep turning it on and off every 10 minutes. This is the 3rd one I've had that does this and unless you can give me a solution, I'm going to try another brand.

gdcapo says, "It happened after a workout - right ear only. It had to be because of sweat. Same high pitched whistle. I went home pulled apart the Air Pods so they could dry out - for about 20 minutes - and that did the trick. This was the first time this has happened. Have owned them for about six months."

I see there are some issues with AirPods Pro making a high pitched noise and in some cases it occurs when using Active Noise Cancellation. I know it's important for your AirPods Pro to work as expected; I'd like to help. Below are some resources that may help to troubleshoot this behavior:

It is happening to me too. Just my left AirPod pro. I just purchased them 3 days ago. It happens when I push the AirPod into my ear. Very high pitched sound. Huge bummer that now I have to spend my time to take a brand new item into the apple store to figure this out. Anyone heard if this is a software or hardware issue?

ok my new shower stall makes a whistle noise when running. I tried another shower head, same noise, tried removing the shower head, NO noise. It does it the same on hot or cold facuet. I took the valve apart and found 2 small pcs of solder in the cold side, ran water with valve apart to flush it a few times. Put it back together, same noise.

 Now my wife says " live with it its not that bad" the other day when she was using it the noise went completly away for a minute os so then came back...

Is there an easy fix ?? Is it just a noisy valve ??

Live with it ??

Anal Cvcman

Ive never come across a whisteling shower that wasn't the head. usually the cheaper ones I install at apartments and usually the ones that don't have the flow restrictors, but a small orifice at the ball. I always drill them out a little for better flow and no whistle.

Anyone experienced a whistle noise, like a tea kettle, but 1/2 that loud, that increases in pitch with RPM? At idle, nothing, start maybe 2k rpm you hear it a little, 2500-3000 more, 3500 higher pitch same volume. Coast with the clutch in, nothing. Sit still, rev engine, whistle occurs. Something on the engine. Pretty annoying at 70 mph you hear this "weeeeee" in the background. Not a radio or speaker issue either, radio on or off no effect, independent. Almost like a big diesel truck turbo whistle, spools up and down with rpm, but since my Loyale has no turbo...umm...

This does not seem to be coming from the radio speakers at all. Happens when the radio is on or off. If you roll the window down, and kind of stick your head out, you can hear it a lot louder than when you are inside with all the windows up, but you can hear it either way, fairly loud, louder than any car I've ever had and I've had a fair number. Thanks for the reply, though...I was thinking vac leak myself. It is a real clear, apparent whistle, more so than a whine if there is a difference. Really, the more I think about it just like a semi running beside you on the highway and you hear that turbo spool up. This follows engine rpm linearly, though, unlike a turbo, which is running independent of engine rpm and on exhaust volume instead.

Thanks, I will check those things. I doubt if it is clutch-related, since when you push the clutch pedal while driving the noise subsides and changes pitch as rpms fall, and the noise is there at steady highway speeds with clutch engaged, and in the driveway with clutch disengaged sitting still when you rev the engine.

Excellent, and thanks, GD, DT, and sm85. All valid points, and the stethoscope ideas are outstanding...if I don't go insane and drive into a wall from the noise on the way to the store, I will implement the ideas. If it was a rumble, or clicking, or something, but it is the one pitch of whistle that is the most annoying to little parts inside the human brain. I don't think you could engineer a more annoying tone.

Hehe - there was a semi-conductor factory located next to a chicken farm a number of years ago. Chickens kept dying mysteriously, and acting really weird. Turns out the factory was producing an ultra-high frequency that happened to coincide with the resonance of the chicken skull cavity. Be glad your Subaru is not capable of this feat....

Excellent story. Maybe it is, and after a certain amount of exposure my head will explode. Well, my wife will sure get a surprise if it happens when I am under the hood and she revs the engine and the whistle gets loud enough and I am close enough to where it finally zaps me... ff782bc1db

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