
Winning Poem: "Even in Darkness" by Jamie Hallman

Even in Darkness

by Jamie Hallman

Joy can be so easy.

It can be found anywhere,


In the thralls of victory

Or the smile of a familiar face.

It can be all-encompassing,

A natural form of ecstasy

Or it can be a slight spark of delight

Found in a cup of coffee.

A moment of bliss so quick

Whether it was a compliment

Or seeing a puppy across the street

It is never forgotten.

It is elation with each remembrance

And a lifejacket to clutch onto

It is in the air, the sun, the very universe

It weaves through you and I

And strangers we have never met.

Joy is found in the pits of despair

And once again at the end of everything

We do not have to seek it out

For it comes in many forms.

Maybe even, this poem.

The Girl With the Hollowed Out Eyes

by Lucy Krug

She sits there—the girl with the hollowed-out eyes—

Numb to the world and tortured by lies.

She sits there with her face in her hands

Unable to fulfill any of life’s demands.

She sits there with nothing left to give,

Trapped by emptiness and expectations that live.

She sits there, a long way from home at night,

Not even comforted by the starlight.

The grass sways back and forth, but she can’t see it,

Blinded by the truths she can’t admit.

She sits there all alone—no one’s around.

Her cheeks are dry, but her soul is drowned.

The wind gently brushes against her skin

As her head and her heart continue to spin.

She sits there, a long way still left to go:

A husk of a human, ensnared by sorrow.

She sits there with nothing left to do

Unsure of what is real and what’s untrue.

She sits there with her hands on her face

Believing she’s beyond the extent of grace.

She sits there—the girl with the hollowed-out eyes—

Numb and still forced to apologize

For a part of herself she can’t ostracize,

So she hollows out her eyes and lives in the lies.


by Austin Brendle

As I sit there and stare at the stark void

Taking great care to see what’s through the veil,

I grow confused but even more annoyed

Searching to find any central detail.

Whether simple or more complex in goal

I’m stuck struggling to see meaning or feel,

Lacking a maker’s form to bare his soul,

No expression of wrongs or an ideal?

I’m trapped with blanks in place of core vision,

Much like a maze with no crystal entry,

I’m left outside without a decision,

Only guessing the goal of artistry.

Maybe contemplation was the true aim

Or else something unknown, I’m not to claim.