Three Simple Ways to Reduce The Pain Of A Herpes Breakout On Lips

One of the most common things people notice about you is how they respond to herpes bumps on lips . You might not even realize that you have them, until someone spots them on your lip. When they do, you could experience a variety of different reactions. Some people have an itchy rash on their lips and other people may experience a burning or tingling sensation. This article will give you some information on how to treat herpes bumps on lips.

The first thing that you need to realize is that many of the prescribed medicines for herpes simply don't work. These are the type of drugs that have been proven to help ease outbreaks during outbreaks, but can't seem to stop them from happening in the first place. If you have been trying various medications without success, you should consider using natural remedies for herpes instead. Not only are they often more effective, but they are also easier on your body than prescription medication. Consider looking into some of these options:

Use Warm Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is a plant that has been used for centuries for its ability to ease burns. You can apply the plant directly to your sore area or take a small supplement that comes with it. You can also purchase an aloe vera gel that you can spread on your lips in an attempt to ease the pain. As you can see, using this substance externally is relatively painless.

Take Vitamin E directly on Your Lips: There are many vitamin supplements available that are designed to relieve symptoms of herpes. You can get these supplements in tablet form or you can take a topical cream. It is important that you use the right product, however, since some of them can irritate the mouth and nasal passages. If you find that your throat or mouth are becoming irritated, you should make an appointment with your physician immediately.

Use Hot Water To Encourage The Clearness Of Your Lips: People who have chronic infections with herpes may find that they have outbreaks on various parts of their body. If you have noticed a sore on your lip at the same time as the herpes bumps, it is important that you not touch it or even scratch it. Doing so will only cause the herpes bumps to spread. This in turn could leave you vulnerable to more infections. Instead, you should wash your hands as soon as possible and use an antibacterial soap to clean your lips.

Finally, many people find that applying petroleum jelly to the herpes bumps on lips can help relieve the pain. This will help keep fluid from collecting in those areas. Moisturize your lips regularly to reduce the swelling. Using all of these suggestions should help you deal with herpes effectively.