Call for Papers

Important Dates

Notification Timeline

(*) If you face severe difficulties meeting this deadline, please contact us before the deadline. 

Submission of papers will be through OpenReview and limited to no more than 5 pages plus supplementary materials.

We are not an archival proceedings. Check with the other journals/conferences, but this usually means you can submit to us and the journal/conference without violating dual submissions. For example, you may submit to us and NeurIPS without violating its dual submission policy. 

All submissions must be anonymized and may not contain any identifying information that may violate the double-blind reviewing policy.

For accepted workshop posters, please adhere to the following:

Invited Talks 

Talks will be in-person and live-streamed


Modeling learning dynamics has long been a goal of the empirical science and theory communities in deep learning. These communities have grown rapidly in recent years, as our newly expanded understanding of the latent structures and capabilities of large models permits researchers to study these phenomena through the lens of the training process. Recent progress in understanding fully trained models can therefore enable understanding of their development and lead to insights that improve optimizer and architecture design, provide model interpretations, inform evaluation, and generally enhance the science of neural networks and their priors.  We aim to foster discussion, discovery, and dissemination of state-of-the-art research in high-dimensional learning dynamics relevant to ML. 

We invite participation in the 2nd Workshop on High-dimensional Learning Dynamics (HiLD), to be held as a part of the ICML 2024 conference. This year’s theme focuses on understanding how reasoning capabilities and internal structures develop over the course of neural network training; we encourage submissions related to our theme as well as other topics around the theoretical and empirical understanding of learning in high dimensional spaces. We will accept high quality submissions as poster presentations during the workshop, especially work-in-progress and state-of-art ideas. 

We welcome any topics in pursuit of understanding how model behaviors evolve or emerge. 

Example topics include but are not limited to: