Hidetoshi Masai
(正井 秀俊)
Musashino Art University Dept. of Humanities and Sciences / Museum Careers
Contact: hmasai *at!* musabi.ac.jp
一般向け講演、イベント(Public lectures, in Japanese):
雑誌「数学セミナー」にて2021年度、連載してました(本になってます!「群と幾何をみる」 どうぞよろしく!!)
工大祭公開講義 「ジャグリングの"かたち"」
タイヒミュラー祭り「カタチの(不)自由」動画(ニコニコ動画) 動画(youtube)
新宿高校での講演について、ご感想などをまとめていただいたもの こちら
とてもどうでも良いことを書く ブログ
List of papers and preprints
Preprints and Published papers
Hidetoshi Masai and Greg McShane, "Isospectral Configurations in Euclidean and Hyperbolic Geometry", to appear. Tohoku Mathematical Journal. arXiv:2308.12109.
Hidetoshi Masai, "Compactification and distance on Teichmüller space via renormalized volume", J. Math. Soc. Japan 76(3): 673-712 (July, 2024). DOI: 10.2969/jmsj/90429042. arXiv:2108.06059.
Joseph Maher, Hidetoshi Masai, Saul Schleimer, "Quotients of the curve complex". Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, VOL. 18(2024), NO. 2PP. 379–405. arXiv:2010.13360.
Kazuhiro Ichihara, InDae Jong, Hidetoshi Masai, "Complete exceptional surgeries on two-bridge links", Kodai Math. J. 47(2): 191-214 (June 2024). arXiv:1909.11319.
Hidetoshi Masai and Greg McShane, "On systoles and ortho spectrum rigidity", Mathematische Annalen volume 385, pages939–959 (2023). arXiv:1909.09829.
Hidetoshi Masai, "On continuity of drifts of the mapping class group", Math. Res. Lett. Volume 28, Number 3, 823–847, 2021, arXiv:1812.06651.
H.Masai, “Computer aided proof”, appendix to the paper “Cosmetic banding on knots and links” by K. Ichihara and I. Jong, Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 55.4 (2018): 731-745. arXiv:1602.01542.
H. Masai, “On commensurability of quadratic differentials on surfaces”, RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B66 (2017), 015-019, arXiv:1705.03199.
Hidetoshi Masai and Ryosuke Mineyama, "Fibered commensurability on Out(Fn)", arXiv:1705.03206.
H. Masai, “Topological entropy of random walks on the mapping class groups”, International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2018, Issue 3, 31 January 2018, Pages 739-761. arXiv:1604.00749.
H. Masai, “Fibered commensurability and arithmeticity of random mapping tori” Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 11 (2017), 1253 - 1279. DOI 10.4171/GGD/428. arXiv:1408.0348.
H. Masai, “On the number of commensurable fibrations on a hyperbolic 3-manifold", Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, Vol. 25, No. 5 (2016) 1650028 (6 pages), arXiv:1403.0680.
K. Ichihara and H. Masai, “Exceptional surgeries on alternating knots", Communications in Analysis and Geometry, Volume 24, Number 2, 337-377, 2016. arXiv:1310.3472.
N. Hoffman, K. Ichihara, M. Kashiwagi, H. Masai, S. Oishi, and A. Takayasu, “Verified computations for hyperbolic 3-manifolds", Experimental Mathematics, Volume 25, Issue 1, 2016, 66-78. arXiv:1310.3410.
H. Masai, “On commensurability of fibrations on a hyperbolic 3-manifold", Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 266 (2013), No. 2, 313-327, arXiv:1210.0382.
H. Masai and G. McShane, “Equidecomposability, volume formulae and orthospectra", Algebraic and Geometric Topology 13 (2013): 3135-3152.
C. Hodgson and H. Masai, “On the number of hyperbolic 3-manifolds of a given volume", Contemporary Mathematics, “Proceedings of Hyamfest ”, Volume 597 (2013), 295-320, arXiv:1203.6551.