Research and Publications

Office Conversant Robot "Jijo-2" (1996-2001)

Research Interest

My research interest is in constructing intelligent systems that learns from interactions with the environment including humans.



Authour and co-author of over 100 technical papers.

Google Scholar Citations

Books and Book Chapters

"Application of reinforcement learning to medical data," in "Future of Reinforcement Learning(これからの強化学習)," Morikita Shuppan, Tokyo, 2016 (in Japanese). 

”Deep learning with hierarchical neural networks", in "Deep Learning (深層学習)," Kindai-Kagakusha, Tokyo, 2015 (in Japanese).

"Pattern recognition and learning -from the viewpoint of statistical science," in "Statistics of Pattern Recognition and Learning(パターン認識と学習の統計学)," Frontier of Statistical Science Series Vol.6, Iwanami-Shoten, Tokyo, 2003 (in Japanese). 

Yoshinori Uesaka, Pentti Kanerva, Hideki Asoh (eds.): ”Foundations of Real-World Intelligence," CSLI Publications, 2001.

"Self-organization of information,"  in "Organization of Information(情報の組織化)," Multi-media Informatics Series Vol.2, Iwanami-Shoten, Tokyo, 2000. (in Japanese)

"Information Processing with Neural Network Models(ニューラルネットワーク情報処理),"  Sangyo-Tosho, Tokyo, 1988 (in Japanese).

Major Projects

2018-2022 Member, Deep Probabilistic Computing (NEDO).

2018-2022 Member, Neuromorphic Dynamics (NEDO).

2015-2019 Member, Next-Generation AI and Robot Technologies Development / Next Generation AI which can Mutually Understand with Humans (NEDO).

2013-2018 Member, Initiative for High-Dimensional Data-Driven Science through Deepening of Sparse Modeling/ Nonlinear Sparse Modeling for High Dimensional Data by Kernel Methods (JSPS Kaenhi  25120011).

2011-2014 Leader, Advanced Utilization of Medical Record Data with Relational Probabilistic Models (JSPS Kakenhi 23240043).

2010-2012 Member, A category theory approach to the complexity of reasoning (JSPS Kakenhi  22300092).

2008-2010 Leader, Situation Dependent Preference Modeling with Integration of Supposed and Real Situation Data (JSPS Kakenhi 20650030).

2006-2011 Member, Research on Spacial Survey System for Security and Safeness (JST CREST).

2006-2008 Member, Research on Structurization of Multi-Media Conference Records (JSPS Kakehni),

2004-2007 Member, Research on Supporting Users' Decision Making on Personal Mobile Information Devices (Cooperated Research with KDDI Lab. Co.).

2002-2004 Leader, Research on Probabilistic Control Mechanism for Cognitive Harmonization between Users and Information Systems (JSPS Kakenhi 14208033).

2002-2012 Member, Research on Interaction-oriented Media Processing Technology.

2001-2002 Leader, Research on Interaction-oriented Media Processing Technology.

1997-2001 Leader, Research on Theoretical Foundation of Learning and Information Integration, Real-World Computing Project.

1997-2001 Member, Research on Multi-modal Interaction Agent, Real-World Computing Project.

1997-2001 Member, Research on Autonomous Learning Mobile Robot, Real-World Computing Project.

1997-2001 Member, Research on Statistical Analysis of Information Dynamics. 

1992-1996 Member, Research on Theoretical Foundation of Flexible Information Processing.

1991-1996 Member, Research on Representation and Evaluation of Information.

1985-1991 Member, Research on Soft Logic.