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ZOOM Meetings: We will meet on Thursdays at 1 pm. Please download the Zoom app. I will send out the meeting link on Sundays.


This week, students will focus on reading and analyzing three(3) informational texts and answer constructed response questions following the RACE writing method. Students should access Commonlit by using the CLASS CODE for their specific classes. See below.




Week: March 23 -27 - DIGITAL LEARNING - Commonlit & Membean

Great job on completing your ELA assignments on Commonlit last week! I will be posting feedback on your constructed responses throughout the week. 😊

If you need additional help/support to complete your lessons, you can contact me the following ways:

1. Email – anytime

2. Text - anytime (via REMIND app). Create an account (use the link below) and send me text messages.


This week, students will continue fine-tuning their short response skills (via Commonlit) as well as improving their vocabulary skills. They will utilize the Membean website to reinforce and improve their vocabulary skills.

Membean provides guided and engaging vocabulary instruction that helps students retain what they learn. The software provides students with multiple ways to learn each word, customizes learning for each student, and is Web-based.

1. There are 2 information articles on Commonlit for students to read and answer constructed response questions following the RACE writing method. Students should access Commonlit by using the CLASS CODE for their specific classes.



2. Please log onto Membean at least 3 times this week and practice for 35 mininutes for each lesson. Use your class code below to log onto Membean and begin your vocabulary practice!

Membean Access Codes

Period 1: G3FQB5U

Period 2: G3FQ987

Period 5: G3FQBLQ

Period 6: G3FQF2D

Period 7: G3FQ8HE

Week: March 30 - April 3 - DIGITAL LEARNING - Complete missing assignments & Membean

Hi Kiddos!

This week, I want us to focus on two things:

1. Complete Commonlit assignments. This is for those who have not completed the 5 assignments posted.

2. Practice vocabulary assignments on Membean. Everyone needs to do this!

I would really love it if each of you work on Membean for at least 35 minutes for 3 days this week.

On Tuesdays (beginning this week), we will connect via Zoom to catch up. We can talk about any issues or concerns you may have with the assignments I have given as well talk about life in general. Each class has a specific time to log in. Please log in at your time. Looking forward to seeing each of you on Tuesday!

Hicks’ ZOOM Meetings

What will you do during your Spring Break?

It’s safe to say things are understandably weird right now. As the world reacts to the COVID-19 pandemic, people across the planet are staying home, quarantining, and practicing social distancing as an effort to slow — and hopefully stop — the spread of coronavirus. Though staying home is totally necessary right now, it means many of us have found ourselves with a lot of time on our hands. If you're struggling to figure out how to keep yourself occupied beyond your usual at-home hobbies of Netflix and chill, you're not alone.

Here are a few things you can do:

1. Participate in the Griffin’s Got Talent Virtual Edition!

2. Take a virtual trip to anywhere in the world!

Thanks to the World Wide Web we can go pretty much as far as desired — all without a passport.

3. Film TikToks

4. Bake your favorite pastries , cook your favorite meals or learn a new dish.

5. Have an indoor or back yard picnic

6. FaceTime family members

7. Read - novels, comics, etc.

8. Do some spring cleaning or organizing

9. Put a puzzle together

10. Write in a diary

11. Make your own board game

12. Learn coding

Week: April 13 - April 17 - DIGITAL LEARNING - Creative Writing & Membean

Hi Kiddos!

I hope you all had a safe and fun quarantine spring break!

This week, we will complete 2 short creative writing assignments and complete at least 35 minutes of vocabulary practice in Membean. We will also meet briefly via Zoom to discuss this week’s assignments. I will also use the time to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Writing Prompts

Select any 2 of the following prompts. Write 2 paragraphs on each of the prompts you select. Each paragraph should have at least 5 sentences. Send your completed work via email to loraine.hicks@cobbk12.org or share it via Office365.

1. What is happening in your community right now related to coronavirus?

2. What is it like to be a student whose school has closed down due to coronavirus? Do you think it was a good idea to close schools?

3. What will you miss most about school? What are you happy to get away from?

4. What makes you feel worried? What makes you feel hopeful? What are you thankful for right now?

5. How would life be different right now if coronavirus was affecting kids and younger adults the way it is impacting older folks?

6. Besides school, what cancellation or closure has been the hardest for you so far?

Zoom Meetings - Tuesday, April 14th

Week: April 20 - April 24 - DIGITAL LEARNING - Choice Board

Hi kiddos!

This week you will complete five choice board activities based on a non-fiction article you will read. Read one (1) of the following articles on Commonlit (Going, Going, Gone! OR FIVE REASONS WHY BEING KIND MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD — ACCORDING TO SCIENCE) and complete any 5 activities from the choice board. Send your completed work via email to loraine.hicks@cobbk12.org.

Zoom Meetings - Thursday, April 23rd

Week: April 27 - May 1 - DIGITAL LEARNING - MAKE UP WEEK

Hi kiddos!

This week will be MAKE UP WEEK for those who are far behind on completing assignments. For those who are behind, please scroll through the assigned digital tasks above (under WEEKLY UPDATES) and use this week to complete and submit the following assignments:

1. Commonlit (March 16-20 & March 23 - 27)

2. Writing Prompts (April 13 - April 17)

3. Choice Board Activities (April 20 - April 24)

Membean: For those who have completed all required assignments, please spend at least 45 minutes this week working on Membean.

Week: May 4 - May 15 - DIGITAL LEARNING - Commonlit

This week, you will begin a 2 weeks unit based on COURAGE.


This unit is made up of 5 total assignments: 4 reading assignments and a writing assignment. Assignments should be completed in the outlined sequence.

A) Informational Texts: Read the texts on Commonlit.

1. “The Terror,”

2. “Monkeyman,”

3. “Transcript of Full Joseph McNeil Interview,” and

4. “The Leap.”

Answer all questions related to each of the articles. Please remember to use the RACE writing method to answer the constructed response questions.

B) Student writing prompt: Essay Question: What inspires people to be courageous?

You have read four texts: “The Terror,” “Monkeyman,” “Transcript of Full Joseph McNeil Interview,” and “The Leap.” Write a 4 paragraph essay in which you answer the essential question for this text set: What inspires people to be courageous? Be sure to include specific details from at least 3 texts in your essay.
