In Dec 2011, Hibernate Core 4.0.0 Final was released. This includes new features such as multi-tenancy support, introduction of ServiceRegistry (a major change in how Hibernate builds and manages "services"), better session opening from SessionFactory, improved integration via org.hibernate.integrator.spi.Integrator and auto discovery, internationalization support, message codes in logging, and a more distinction between the API, SPI or implementation classes.[6]

The org.hibernate.Session interface[13] represents a Hibernate session, i.e., the main point of the manipulation performed on the database entities. The latter activities include (among the other things) managing the persistence state (transient, persisted, detached[clarification needed]) of the objects, fetching the persisted ones from the database and the management of the transaction demarcation[clarification needed].

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Check access settings for file '~/.m2/repository/org/hibernate/hibernate-core/4.2.1.Final/hibernate-core-4.2.1.Final.jar' if you are using *nix system,Also make sure you can open hibernate-core-4.2.1.Final.jar archive using third party tools e.g. 7zip or winrar. from my experience many times maven in eclipse does not properly download dependency and downloaded jar is corrupted. If that is the case you can manually download this jar and replace it in .m2 repository.

The lib/required/ directory contains the hibernate-core jar and all of its dependencies. All of these jars arerequired to be available on your classpath no matter which features of Hibernate are being used.

In some cases this automatic detection might not chose the default you expect or need, as seen with thedate property. Hibernate cannot know if the property, which is of type java.util.Date, should map to a SQLDATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP datatype. Full date and time information is preserved by mapping the property tothe timestamp converter, which identifies the converter class org.hibernate.type.TimestampType.

The setUp method first builds a org.hibernate.boot.registry.StandardServiceRegistry instance which incorporatesconfiguration information into a working set of Services for use by the SessionFactory. In this tutorialwe defined all configuration information in hibernate.cfg.xml so there is not much interesting to see here.

Using the StandardServiceRegistry we create the org.hibernate.boot.MetadataSources which is the start point fortelling Hibernate about your domain model. Again, since we defined that in hibernate.cfg.xml so there is not muchinteresting to see here.

The entity class in this tutorial is org.hibernate.tutorial.annotations.Event which follows JavaBean conventions.In fact the class itself is identical to the one in The entity Java class, except that annotationsare used to provide the metadata, rather than a separate mapping file.

The settings defined in the element are discussed in The Hibernate configuration file.Here the javax.persistence-prefixed varieties are used when possible. Notice that the remainingHibernate-specific configuration setting names are now prefixed with hibernate..

Again, the entity is largely the same as in The annotated entity Java class. The major difference is theaddition of the @org.hibernate.envers.Audited annotation, which tells Envers to automatically track changes to thisentity.

I added a small piece of code in one of my EJB bean that prints org.hibernate.Version.getVersionString() to know which version of Hibernate my app is using and it gives me 5.0.9.Final-readhat-1 instead of 5.2.10.Final.

You need try to exclude the supported Hibernate libraries which are bundled with EAP by excluding the org.hibernate module as detailed in (Class Loading in AS7 - JBoss AS 7.0 - Project Documentation Editor ) see Exclude Subsystem Dependency

{"WFLYCTL0062: Composite operation failed and was rolled back. Steps that failed:" => {"Operation step-2" => {"WFLYCTL0080: Failed services" => {"jboss.persistenceunit.\"app.ear/ejb.jar#app-ejbPU\"" => "org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service jboss.persistenceunit.\"app.ear/ejb.jar#app-ejbPU\": java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: org.hibernate.integrator.spi.Integrator: Provider org.hibernate.envers.boot.internal.EnversIntegrator not a subtype

Caused by: java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: org.hibernate.integrator.spi.Integrator: Provider org.hibernate.envers.boot.internal.EnversIntegrator not a subtype"}}}}

To add support for Hibernate to a J2SE project you need to add the Hibernate library to the project. The Hibernate library is included with the IDE and can be added to any project by right-clicking the 'Libraries' node in the Projects window, selecting 'Add Library' and then selecting the Hibernate library in the Add Library dialog box.

The Hibernate configuration file ( hibernate.cfg.xml ) contains information about the database connection, resource mappings, and other connection properties. When you create a Hibernate configuration file using a wizard you specify the database connection by choosing from a list of database connection registered with the IDE. When generating the configuration file the IDE automatically adds the connection details and dialect information based on the selected database connection. The IDE also automatically adds the Hibernate library to the project classpath. After you create the configuration file you can edit the file using the multi-view editor, or edit the XML directly in the XML editor.

When you click Finish the IDE opens hibernate.cfg.xml in the source editor. The IDE creates the configuration file at the root of the context classpath of the application (in the Files window, WEB-INF/classes). In the Projects window the file is located in the source package. The configuration file contains information about a single database. If you plan to connect to multiple databases, you can create multiple configuration files in the project, one for each database servers, but by default the helper utility class will use the hibernate.cfg.xml file located in the root location.

If you are using NetBeans IDE 7.4 or earlier you should select org.hibernate.hql.classic.ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory as the Property Value in the dialog box. NetBeans IDE 7.4 and earlier bundled Hibernate 3.

The reverse engineering file ( hibernate.reveng.xml ) is an XML file that can be used to modify the default settings used when generating Hibernate files from the metadata of the database specified in hibernate.cfg.xml . The wizard generates the file with basic default settings. You can modify the file to explicitly specify the database schema that is used, to filter out tables that should not be used and to specify how JDBC types are mapped to Hibernate types.

The Hibernate Mapping Files and POJOs from a Database wizard generates files based on tables in a database. When you use the wizard, the IDE generates POJOs and mapping files for you based on the database tables specified in hibernate.reveng.xml and then adds the mapping entries to hibernate.cfg.xml . When you use the wizard you can choose the files that you want the IDE to generate (only the POJOs, for example) and select code generation options (generate code that uses EJB 3 annotations, for example).

Because a POJO is a simple Java class you can use the New Java Class wizard to create the class and then edit the class in the source editor to add the necessary fields and getters and setters. After you create the POJO you then use a wizard to create a Hibernate mapping file to map the class to the table and add mapping information to hibernate.cfg.xml . When you create a mapping file from scratch you need to map the fields to the columns in the XML editor.

When you click Finish the Actor.hbm.xml Hibernate mapping file opens in the source editor. The IDE also automatically adds an entry for the mapping resource to hibernate.cfg.xml . You can view the entry details by expanding the Mapping node in the Design view of hibernate.cfg.xml or in the XML view. The mapping entry in the XML view will look like the following:

To work with hibernate, we need a JAR (Java Archive) file provided by hibernate. Here, we will see how to download the hibernate core distribution. There are multiple ways to get the required libraries; here, we will consider two of them:

When you manually download the libraries, it's the programmer's responsibility to get all the required and dependent JAR files from the official site of hibernate; failing this, they will face errors.

Replace MySQL-connector-version with your required MySQL connector version in the MySQL-connector-version line, and replace hibernate-version with your required hibernate version in the hibernate-version line.

Hi all,

For the last 2 days I try to make openliberty work with hibernate and my results are not great. As for now after I start the server I can connect to database and read from it, but I cannot write to it. When doing write operation, e.g. INSERT, logs shows that hibernate executes the SQL script, but it looks like transaction is not executed. I believe there is a problem with flushing after transaction is completed as in the logs I have entry:

DEBUG org.hibernate.event.internal.AbstractFlushingEventListener:114 - Flushed: 0 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 1 objects

which suggest me just that.

To configure the server I was following _liberty/ with exception for the web.xml, To create entity manager factory I use 2351a5e196

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