If your PC is running on low disk space, you are likely to go through the C drive and check what files are taking disk space. Usually, to explore all files saved on the drive, you need to change the View settings of the Folder Options.

By selecting Show hidden files, folders, and drivers, unchecking Hide protected operating system files (Recommended), and oppressing OK, you will find a hiberfil.sys file in the root directory of the C drive, which usually takes up several GBs or even more disk space.

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As far as we can concern, the only need to delete hibernation file is to save disk space. If your hard drive is small, and the hibernation files take too much disk space from the C drive, disabling hibernation file makes sense.

But if your hard drive has plenty of disk space, there is no need to disable hibernation. Just give Windows 10 hibernate a try, you will definitely find that your PC boots faster and you are able to return to the state when you left last time just in one minute.

In my main application I have a hibernate config to get information it needs to run but then I also have a need for hibernate in my library since some of the objects I want could be used in other applications.

When I start up my tomcat server, with both hibernates setup, I get errors stating that beans cannot be resolved and one that says my positional parameters are missing in my query. However, when I start up Tomcat with only the application Hibernate config it starts fine.

Just to add, my Eclipse configuration didn't add WEB-INF/classes directory and I wasn't aware that it was searching for this file here. If there are any others out there struggling with this problem (it cost me a few hours of fiddling/googling!), then create the WEB-INF/classes directory and copy any hibernate resource files into it (or a sub-directory, as specified in mappingResources).

Sorry, but you can't relocate the HIBERFIL.SYS file to any partition other than the boot partition. This is because it's needed very early in to boot process to resume from hiberation and the boot loader (NTLDR) code, needing to be compact and optimized, doesn't have the ability to load the HIBERFIL.SYS from an arbitrary location. (Think about how much code it would take to do that... accounting for reparse points, software RAID sets, the potential that another installable filesystem driver might be needed besides NTFS. Somebody had to draw the line somewhere... smile)

I could replace the swap file by a second swap partition on that same 2nd disk, and keep the advantage of spreading swapping workload, but that does not solve a thing: I still would not know which partition the hibernate image is written to, so I wouldn't be able to tell the kernel which swap partition to resume from.

I could add a pm-utils script to swapoff one of both swap locations as preparation for hibernate, leaving only the other location to choose from. But this would gravely diminish my chances of having enough unused swap space for the hibernation image, the opposite of what I obtained by adding a 2nd swap location.

So my question is this: be it either 2 swap partitions, or 2 swap files, or 1 of each, how do I configure, or reliably predict, to which location the hibernation image will be written to? So that I can instruct the kernel to resume from that location, instead of seeking in vain on the other and loose the state of my long-running job.

A secondary question is: how would I go about finding the solution for my apparently special case myself. Does, for instance, systemctl hibernate call pm-hibernate of the pm-utils, is it the other way round, or is yet another agent finally responsible for the hibernation. Is any of these configurable with regards to swap location? Can I instead install another systems utility that is configurable in that way?

If /etc/fstab, swap partitions are best referred to by UUID (UUID=xxx), rather than labels (LABEL=TSWP) or by device (/dev/sda2). Swapfiles are best placed in the root directory (/swapfile) rather than on removable media (/media/sdata/.swapfile), and not created as hidden.

All of a sudden, my hard disk space has fallen from 5GB to 1GB. I have already deleted all files I can, but with little success. The hard disk diagnostic test reveals that there is a hiberfil.sys file of 2.3 GB. I never hibernate my PC - I always shut it down. Can I delete hibernation file on Windows 10? If yes, how to do it?

Hibernation file refers to files that Windows OS creates on your PC when it goes into hibernation mode. Unlike sleep mode (saved files in RAM), hibernation mode stores the current user configuration (such as programs, files, and folders) to your hard disk, allowing you to immediately restore the computer to the state you left off.

Firstly, you can delete hibernation file with CMD. CMD is a Windows built-in tool, which is famous for effectively solving various disk problems, such as formatting partitions, resizing partitions, etc. Follow the steps below to delete hibernation files in Windows 10.

Step 2. On the left side of the new interface, click "Choose what the power buttons do" and then click "Change settings that are currently unavailable" in the pop-up settings. Uncheck the hibernate option and select "Save Changes".

If you want to free up more space after deleting all junk files. You can upgrade to the Professional Version and use the "Delete Large Files" function to efficiently delete some large files from your computer.

How do I check the size of the hibernation file on my Windows 10 computer?

Open Command Prompt as an administrator and type: 'powercfg /hibernate /size'. This command will display the current size of the hibernation file.

Can I re-enable hibernation after deleting the hibernation file?

Yes, you can re-enable hibernation by opening Command Prompt as an administrator and typing: 'powercfg /hibernate on'.

The laptop will act like it is going to hibernate (screen goes dark), and then a few seconds later I am back at my login screen (GDM). If I restart my machine, and then try to execute the hibernate command again, it will work correctly without issue.

Thank you @Olli, I appreciate the basic troubleshooting + Dell links for my specific laptop. I have updated my firmware / BIOS to the latest version, and have been running this specific instance (installation) of Manjaro for over a year now. I do not believe this is a Dell driver issue, since it is NOT consistent, and the problem fixes itself on a fresh boot (I am able to hibernate successfully).

Possible SolutIon:

Currently, my swap partition is 3.84GB and as you correctly stated, it appears that is too small and there is not enough space to hibernate successfully (also explains why it works on a fresh boot when the swap partition is relatively fresh and empty). Is an easy way to fix the issue to increase the swap partition by reallocating some of the free GBs that I have from my home directory?

This works, however I think it is a hack as the target folder is generated rather than being somewhere you should actually manually create files.

2) The next solution I found suggested moving the hibernate.cfg.xml to

This allows a different hibernate.cfg.xml file to be used for testing and, for example, facilitates connecting to a different database (such as hsqldb) for testing while continuing to use your regular database (such as MySQL) for the app itself.

1) The hibernate mapping files (i.e. the *.hbm.xml files) should also be in the resources folder (in whatever directory structure you choose) to ensure that these too are accessible by the unit tests.

i am trying to deploy my version of jbpm.war to learn more about the product. the first step to do this is to build the same version that is in the starter kit.

this is what i did:

1) using my eclipse, i built a web project,

2) imported the jbpm jbpm-starters-kit-3.0/jbpm/src/java.webapp

3) added jbpm-3.0.jar

4) added jbpm-identity-3.0.jar

5) added commons-logging.jar

that got rid of all the errors except one:

The type org.hibernate.Session cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class file.

this error is in reference to the PersistenceContext.java line 21.

where do i find the class org.hibernate.Session in the starter kit, however i couldnt ??? i am assuming it is in a jar file somewheres, however, i had no luck finding it :-(

i answered my own question :-)

i had to download hibernate, then build it, then build a jar file (i know that class has to be in the jbpm stuff somewheres, but i couldnt find it)

also you need to add all the faces jar files under jbpm-starters-kit-3.0/jbpm/lib/jsf

and the jbpm-starters-kit-3.0/jbpm-server/lib/dom4j.jar

this should get you to be able to compile the jbpm-starters-kit-3.0/jbpm/src/java.webapp

if you want to start building things, I'd not start with the starterkit, use the normal jbpm project for that. This includes hibernate et al, so downloading and building dependend libraries is not needed then.

The starterkit is for a quick download and runnning the included process or deploying new processes using the default config and webapp.

The Hibernate team provides release bundles hosted on the SourceForge File Release System, in bothTGZ and ZIP formats. Each release bundle contains JAR files, documentation, source code, and other goodness.

The lib/required/ directory contains the hibernate-core jar and all of its dependencies. All of these jars arerequired to be available on your classpath no matter which features of Hibernate are being used.

The `title mapping also lacks a type attribute. The types declared and used in the mapping files are neither Java datatypes nor SQL database types. Instead, they are Hibernate mapping types, which are converters which translate betweenJava and SQL data types. Hibernate attempts to determine the correct conversion and mapping type autonomously if thetype attribute is not specified in the mapping, by using Java reflection to determine the Java type of the declaredproperty and using a default mapping type for that Java type. 2351a5e196

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