
Hibbing High School Choir Memories
Patti Stoddard – Retired Director [2019]

In 1995 the Hibbing High School choir was asked to represent Minnesota at the 50th anniversary of a celebration of the victory of World War II in Normandy, France. The Hibbing High School choir performed at the American cemetery pavilion, in the Notre Dame Cathedral, several churches in Paris, an exchange concert with a college choir in England and visited historical places.

As part of its second European trip the Hibbing High School choir was invited to sing on Easter Sunday at the Salzburg Dome Cathedral. The Hibbing High School choir also sang at Mirabelle Palace Gardens, the Geneva School of Engineering, the Milan Dome Cathedral— most spectacular building ever – – on the Grand Canal in Venice—the church of San Stae in Venice, at Saint Marks Cathedral in Venice, at the Dachau concentration camp in Germany and toured many historical places on this tour.

The Hibbing High School choir’s third European trip was to Ireland in 2007. The choir was invited to sing at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin, the Charleville Cathedral, benefit concerts for Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind, the university clinic with the college director there. They also held several pop-up concerts.

The Hibbing High School choir also performed at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, Statue of Liberty, at the Gateway music festival competition, and several exchange concerts with Arts high schools.

In Hawaii, the Hibbing High School choir was invited to sing at the Central Union Church for Easter Sunday service. The choir also sang at the USS Bowfin, at a huge entertainment center, and did an exchange concert with Honolulu High School Choir.

The Hibbing High School choir was invited to sing and to be the guest performers for the Minnesota State School Board convention, and received a standing ovation from Minnesota Governor, Jesse Ventura, and his group. Hibbing School Board Director, Lois Andrican, was in the audience.

Under the directorship of Patti Stoddard, the choir traveled to the Chanhassen Dinner Theater each spring on small trip years and did exchange concerts with choirs from the Twin Cities.