Helpful Documents

Here is a library of helpful resources that offer more information about the MN Department of Health's Child Care Assistance Program, the copayment process, and other supporting material on finding care and affording it. Additionally, there are resources relating to the impacts of COVID-19 in child care centers. Note: child care providers should have an emergency preparedness plan updated for COVID; feel free to ask your provider for more information.

do you need help paying for child care.pdf

Do You Need Help Paying for Child Care?

ccap facts & figures.pdf

CCAP: Facts and Figures

copay schedule.pdf

Copayment Schedules (CCAP)

CCAP rates 11.15.21.pdf

CCAP Rates (UPDATED 11/15/2021)

Entire CCAP Manual Feb2022.pdf

CCAP Policy Manual (Feb. 2022)

Children and Families Resources in COVID-19 Response.pdf

Children and Family Resources in COVID-19 Response

COVID-19 Attendance Guide for Parents and Families.pdf

COVID-19 Attendance Guide for Parents and Families

FY2022 Early Learning Scholarship Area Administrator Web Posting_Revised 9-1-21.pdf

Early Learning Scholarship 2022


Information on the Child Tax Credit Changes from the American Rescue Plan

St. Louis County_Becoming a Child Care Provider_FINAL.pdf

Becoming a Child Care Provider Guide

Here is the link to apply for Child Care Assistance as well as other public assistance programs in Minnesota:

Still need help?

Here is a list of contacts who could offer more insight on information relating to child care:

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