Currently Im using the academic theme which comes with academicicons, font awesome-webfont and glyphicons inside themes/academic/static/fonts. While these fonts are quite good, I want to try some others.

How do I reset a Theme Stack back to the default settings? Somehow before upgrading to Pro from X, I changed the font for the side menu. The fonts have a shadow and are hard to read. It was early on so I have made too many changes to go back to old page versions. I tried changing stacks and publishing in the hope that would reset it when I switch back (I changed to Icon and published it and it works fine. When I tried to change back to Integrity, it still has the messed up fonts.

Hi Theme Fonts Download

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I have spent hours trying to get a Google font to work in my Sage + Bootstrap starter theme and read multiple posts on this forum(including one similarly titled from 2017 but I am still at a loss. Hoping someone can help me.

For anyone who has spent hours searching the forums, YouTube, the internet, Discord, & giant haystacks for how to change fonts (like I did). Here is the step-by-step

(Disclaimer: may vary based on theme)

Also - if you have additional formats like opentype, woff, woff2, svg you should also embed them to make the fonts displayed correctly in all type of browsers. You can find a list of which browser uses which format you here.

Furthermore: Since it's a corporate font and you're developing a specific theme for your company you don't necessarily need to implement the font in the theme settings. For easier use I'd do it like this:

It looks like you have the fonts configured correctly to be used in the RTE, but if you want them to show in the theme settings, you would need to redefine the variable that's used to control that setting.

all of this can be done via the child.css without having to create a fonts.json, unless it's a theme you've developed and you are trying to define the fonts initiall - it is a little hard to tell whether you're developing a theme or modifying an existing theme.

Thanks Jennifer. I used the process here to create a theme: Getting started with themes ( This is the theme that I created with this process in which I'm trying to use the fonts. How do I tell if I have a theme setting for a base font? In which file can I check that?

My goal is to add custom fonts to my environment and use them consistently everywhere. I've developed against a lot of platforms and in most cases, you add font files to the environment through an interface and they show up in all font lists and are available to all pages on the site. I'm not sure which process I'm supposed to use to do this (if its even supported) and why I'm seeing different representations of which fonts are available across the site.

For example, in the screen shot below, you'll see different options for each font type and these appear to be coming from the font folders I set up (using the font.json to define the font). This dropdown appears in the theme settings for my H1 style. The issue is that when I choose one of these, the font isn't applied to the style. If I set Brandon Grotesque to my H1 style and then choose H1 as the style in the RTE, it shows a different font.

@PPardi Since you're developing your own theme and looking for help with code (not a marketing issue with websites), I would recommend posting this in the Developer discussion where you can get help with coding.

Document themes make it easy to coordinate colors, fonts, and graphic formatting effects across your Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents and update them quickly. This video show you how-to change the entire theme, read below to just customize theme fonts, colors, or effects.

You can also change the Office theme. The Office theme is the color scheme for your entire Office program, while document themes are more specific (they show up in individual Word documents or Excel spreadsheets).

A quick way to change the design of your course is to switch fonts. Theme fonts control headings, body text, questions, and answer choices. Storyline 360 has several built-in theme fonts, but also you can create your own.

If you've created any custom theme fonts, they'll appear at the top of the list. Built-In theme fonts appear beneath your custom themes. The theme fonts currently in use for the selected slide are highlighted in blue. For each set of theme fonts, you'll see the name of the theme, the heading font, and the body font.

I have Libreoffice 7.0 (Opensuse Tumbleweed). When I use the Breeze Light Theme, Writer shows the fonts preview without problems (in the drop-down menu, white background and black fonts). But when I use the Breeze Dark Theme, the drop-down menu fails: white fonts (in fact, light grey) with white background. When I disable de fonts preview in LO the drop-down menu looks normal (dark background with white fonts, obviously without preview). How can I fix this problem? Thank you all.

It could be one of the workaround although I like to use KDE default set and given app should work with any given system theme by default. If there is an issue it should be fixed and seemingly they did it on current upgrade on openSUSE.

Hey Bryan! Are you using the Beaver Builder theme? The ability to include/load Google fonts is built in to the Beaver Builder Theme. You can select fonts in the theme customizer. You would only need to enqueue/load them if you are using another font service like TypeKit.

I need to add a custom font to my BB theme and have tried using both the suggestions from Robby and Dennis independently. Either way, my custom font is still not available in the theme customizer. Any suggestions?

To start: I really hate Arial. Arial Narrow is slightly better for me, but I really like skinny fonts and small sizes. I dunno, I guess I have really good vision, and I like to use my valuable screen real estate to show as much information as possible. I'm trying to make a "Theme" that uses a super skinny font (Yanone Kaffeesatz is pretty great for me) at a 7 or 8 pt font, and I would love it to be my default. When I create my sheets, I set my font to that and select all, and everything looks perfect for me.

The problem is whenever I cut and paste anything, the leftover cell defaults to the "standard theme", which right now is Arial Narrow size 10. Which is ENORMOUS compared to everything else! But when I go to my custom theme settings, there are only 10 gigantic fonts available to choose and nowhere to change the font size. Help?!?!

I'm suspicious that it could be a cache issue based on previous issues I've seen with Gatsby and running a gatsby clean resolving them. I haven't been able to recreate the issue based on what you've provided - the heading font displays for me in multiple configurations with two different fonts, which is why I'm wondering if it's a dev environment anomaly.

To check if the font is attempting to apply in the browser, select your heading component in dev tools and check if the CSS has font-family: var(--chakra-fonts-heading);, which means it's getting the Chakra 'heading' style applied. If that's set and the theme --chakra-fonts-heading CSS shows the correct fonts, yet the font is not displaying in the browser, there might be an issue with the font import/render. I've noticed sometimes after I install new fonts I have to stop/start the server for them to pick up.

Yup. So I've already tried that, but loading the CSS into "Additional HTML" doesn't seem to work, and I can't seem to find the CSS files for the Moove theme or for the site that mention calling the Google Fonts. I really need to stop Moodle from looking for Google Fonts every time a page loads.

Ok, start by reading '', create a custom CSS file in a new styles folder and add that to the config.php file. Then look on '' for free similar fonts. Then follow the previous instructions. Then look in the code of the Moove theme for the CDN links and remove them.

How many fonts do you need anyway? Unless they are Arabic, Chinese, or some other specific language or icon fonts then you don't really need them do you?. Lets face it, the simpler the theme the faster it works, at least one would hope that is the case!

PS: I did a quick scout round the theme and cannot find any Google Font url's in the layout files. What I did see is a setting for Google Analytics which needs turning off if you are inside an enclosed Network!

What I was meaning in my developer mindset related to the fonts and the font CSS. Obviously it is clear now that my meaning did not translate to that when I wrote it has to be in the theme to work.

If Moove doesn't actually goto Google Fonts, then I'm probably good. I couldn't find Poppins in any of the fonts folders and the HTML seems to be looking for Poppins, but it's probably in there somewhere, I guess. I've never used PHP, so am learning how the app is organized bit-by-bit.

Hi, @Catherine BonargentĀ 

This is the reason for the UI interface design of PPT for Mac. PPT for Mac does not support creating custom theme fonts. If you are proficient in XML, you can do it programmatically.

you add fonts to the windows font folder and they will automatically install , when you reopen theme designer that should be in the drop down list - occasionally windows will not recognise or read some fonts because of compatibility or the font size will not appear at all because they are not available in that size you want them to be in - try to download a similar or a different source to where you get the font from

just updating this as i ran into a problem just recently , it seems another bug in Windows 10 that some users are having trouble with custom fonts when installing to the font folder they simply wont show up in the list of fonts you've installed when using different applications , how i fixed this is to create anew folder on your C drive and name it New Fonts , copy and paste your desired font in this folder you've just created and rick click the font and select install for all users and this should now install the font to the main font folder in windows and should be available in different application as a listed font - you can now delete the font in the folder you created e24fc04721

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