Stand By Me

Our next kete is called Stand By Me and we will cover a variety of topics from hauora and wellbeing to puberty and body changes. We will also be working on a community project that we will create as a class.

Assessment Rubric

Your Task:

Create an account on BookCreator and use our class library code: NHNKB

The Councillors and Health Nurses of Hornby High School have asked that you develop a digital booklet that can be shared with other adolescents to help explain what changes and challenges occur during this period of their lives and what they can do to help themselves cope with these. Your booklet will also contain information on community agencies that are available to assist young people within the 4 Hauora dimensions.

Hauora and Wellbeing

Wellbeing Brainstorm
Hauora Slides

Community Service Project

On the 22nd of February 2011, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake devastated Christchurch. For the next month the Student Volunteer Army organised thousands of students to clean over 360,000 tonnes of liquefaction in over 75,000 volunteer working hours.

Guide to Project Success Fact Sheet.pdf